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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 22:34:35 +0000
Post From: Alert Manager window footprint screen real estate
[2018-11-17 15:04:56] |
User14953 - Posts: 243 |
The Sierra Chart Alert Manager window footprint takes a lot of screen real estate. Tabs, menus, headers, title bars, that are static, no new info. Is there a way to make it more compact? Examples of compact Alert Text wanted, - headers are unnecessary during use. . . Symbol, Timeframe and Chart Number, custom study "Formula" " ABCD, 10 min #14, BURG-SHT LMNO, 30 min #7, GRUB-LNG and so on . . . " Can Do? Is there a work-around a user can kludge together? Does a user forum address this configuration stuff? Thanks, Alerts Manager The long version of message above. The Sierra Chart Alert Manager window footprint takes a lot of screen real estate. Vertically, we have rows of "knobology" like tabs, menus, headers, title bars, that are static, no new info. Is it possible to select and deselect, or put another way, view on and view off that upper section of the Sierra Chart Alert Manager window and realize a huge immediate footprint reduction? When it comes to the good stuff, the "dashboard" part of the Alert Manager window, Horizontally, access to the updating of the non-static Alerts Log can be of great value. Alerts Log headings: Source, not enough info for purposes here. Alert Text, Tons of info, big forest here DateTime, Type, Examples of compact Alert Text wanted, - headers are unnecessary during use. . . Symbol, Timefreme and Chart Number, "Formula" (something more than the "Source" column's posting of the spreadsheet filename where several custom studies slave away" " ABCD, 10 min #14, BURG-SHT LMNO, 30 min #7, GRUB-LNG and so on . . . " Alerts Manager Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-17 15:15:36