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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 06:44:10 +0000

Crashes when loading chartbook.

View Count: 1270

[2017-10-13 02:56:33]
User682548 - Posts: 7
Two nights ago I found the program had crashed (core running at 100%) but otherwise computer unaffected. Program restarted in safe mode. Connection and operation fine. Crashed during the loading of the chartbook. After a dozen attempts it succeeded. I reduced the amount of data being requested by more than 50%. Program ran and operated normally for the next 24 hours until it crashed again. This time I have not been successful reloading the chartbook. It hangs at a certain point. Tried downloading the pre-release version but just made things worse.
[2017-10-13 03:06:32]
User682548 - Posts: 7
Update: Succeeded in loading chartbook (more than 20 attempts). Sent message log. Need to know what I can do while it is operational. Thanks,
[2017-10-13 03:41:14]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We do not see any Message Log with this account. You will need to log into this Support Board with Help >> Support Board within Sierra Chart so that we can see the proper account.

The first step is to review the items in help topic 30:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2017-10-13 07:48:03]
User184859 - Posts: 17
Update: logged in via application help menu. this issue not just one of crashing while loading a chartbook but crashing while in operation (at slow periods in the market so far). Any comments on the observations below would be appreciated but mainly I would like to keep this ticket open till next shutdown or crash.

30.1 reduced data request further. no intraday chart above 180 days. complex charts or low time frame charts from 1 to 16 days.

30.2 have several spreadsheets but typically 10 to 100 lines. one spreadsheet with 9000 line but very important. SierraChart.exe memory (Private Working Set) currently 560,540K.

30.3 have eliminated this and verified through message log.

30.4 do not use custom studies

30.5 only run Sierra on this computer. according to task manager single core load never goes above 6 or 7 even during fast market conditions (8 cores). processor runs at 4.8 GHz.

30.6 have only 4 or 5 charts visible (spread across three graphics cards.

30.7 already eliminated and verified.

30.8 no anti-virus software (including Microsoft Essentials) is used.

30.9 no circular references. no recalculation of charts while running unless changes made (except when historical data is sent after midnight).

30.10 no charts set to include columns with no data.

30.11 compressed tick data older than 180 days to 1 second data (need accurate data). hopes this helps but will compress further if needed.

30.12 currently 180 days of tick data. reduced symbols requested to one (CL futures)

30.13 split data records enabled; use tick, range, volume, price changes, exclusively.

30.14 have tick countdown on two detached charts but "based on real time clock" is disabled.

30.15 do use rectangle highlight but not on normally visible charts.

30.16 will try deleting data files at next shutdown or crash.

30.17 just started using "line at time" study at the same time as crashes started. is this a new study?

30.18 N/A

30.19 set to 100

30.20 three transparent Vpb, large order study, several color background alert studies (spit between a couple of graphics cards.

30.21 repeat of 30.11

30.22 no

30.23 how much processing power does Vbp use as compared to TPO?

30.24 no

30.25 no

30.26 no

30.27 N/A

30.28 no; checked

30.29 using a fast mechanical drive. this is not likely related to the program crashing once up and running.

30.30 no

30.31 not a problem

30.32 no

30.33 just a few dashed or dotted lines 2 pixels or greater on normally visible charts.

30.34 no TPO's used on normally visible charts

30.35 not on normally visible charts. will reconfigure a several daily charts.

30.36 no

30.37 0 to 60% loading of one core.
[2017-10-13 18:44:55]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We want you to update to the latest "Prerelease" version which is 1622.

Software Download: Fast Update

Enable Global Settings >> General Settings >> General 4 >> Destroy Chart Windows When Hidden. If this is currently enabled, then disable it.

Use at least one additional instance to distribute your Chartbooks among. Refer to:
Using DTC Server for Data and Trading in Another Sierra Chart Instance

30.17 just started using "line at time" study at the same time as crashes started. is this a new study?
There is no study with this exact name, and this could not be the problem anyway.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-10-13 18:45:19
[2017-10-14 05:29:27]
User682548 - Posts: 7
Update: rewrote the spreadsheets; compressed data files; streamlined chartbook, etc. Does not crash anymore while loading my chartbook but thought you should know that when I updated from version 1621 to the prerelease version 1622 one of my main charts was destroyed (renko bars missing, studies corrupted). This chart has existed in it's current form for several months. never have encountered this kind of problem when updating. reinstalled version 1621. Ticket can be closed. Thanks.
[2017-10-14 06:52:02]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
(renko bars missing, studies corrupted).
We are currently working on Renko bars so this does not really surprise us, but it is not expected either. You just need to change the Bar Period Type back to Renko to solve this.

We should be finish with them, tomorrow.

The main reason we wanted you to update to the latest prerelease is because we added error handling for an out of memory condition that could potential occur when saving large spreadsheets, which previously would cause a problem.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-10-14 06:52:26

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