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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 23:58:40 +0000

Disconnection Problems

View Count: 1615

[2013-06-26 18:24:30]
rwilliams1 - Posts: 346
Sierra Charts has recently begun disconnecting from my trading server every 10 minutes or so. I get a popup message in the log that says:

"You have not placed an order within the last 10 days. The trading service you are using requires that you trade. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
You are being disconnected from the server. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
To reconnect to the server select 'File >> Connect to Data Feed'. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
Trading functionality in Sierra Chart is accessed through the 'Trade' menu. Select 'Help >> Table of Contents >> Trading' for more information. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
Disable Trade Simulation Mode by removing the checkmark from 'Trade >> Trade Simulation Mode On' | 2013-06-26 12:44:12"

After receiving this message, I contacted my broker's tech support (Mirus Futures/Zenfire)and they said they have no trading minimums or restrictions and that I should contact Sierra Charts for support. This issue just started happening yesterday, and I have never had this issue previously. Your help is appreciated.

[2013-06-26 20:09:45]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Please update to the latest version by selecting Help >> Download Prerelease. The notice will now only show if there is 15 days of no trading.

To avoid this notice, submit an order when not in Trade Simulation Mode and then cancel it if you want. It can be a limit order that is away from the market. If you need help with submitting order, let us know and we will give you instructions.

Here is the overview of trading page:

Mirus may not have trading minimums, but Rithmic does. If Sierra Chart users are not trading enough, then all Sierra Chart users will be cut off from Rithmic and Zen fire by the end of this year. We have been warned. So if you are not trading enough, we highly recommend using another backend trading platform to avoid the disconnections.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-06-26 20:11:17
[2013-06-26 20:29:28]
rwilliams1 - Posts: 346
Thank you! I will follow your instructions. And thanks for the heads up about us SC users possibly getting cut off from Rithmic/Zenfire. Hoping this doesn't happen because I just switched to this broker. Good to know...

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