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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 23:52:45 +0000

Post From: Disconnection Problems

[2013-06-26 18:24:30]
rwilliams1 - Posts: 346
Sierra Charts has recently begun disconnecting from my trading server every 10 minutes or so. I get a popup message in the log that says:

"You have not placed an order within the last 10 days. The trading service you are using requires that you trade. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
You are being disconnected from the server. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
To reconnect to the server select 'File >> Connect to Data Feed'. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
Trading functionality in Sierra Chart is accessed through the 'Trade' menu. Select 'Help >> Table of Contents >> Trading' for more information. | 2013-06-26 12:44:12
Disable Trade Simulation Mode by removing the checkmark from 'Trade >> Trade Simulation Mode On' | 2013-06-26 12:44:12"

After receiving this message, I contacted my broker's tech support (Mirus Futures/Zenfire)and they said they have no trading minimums or restrictions and that I should contact Sierra Charts for support. This issue just started happening yesterday, and I have never had this issue previously. Your help is appreciated.