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Help needed to plot this simple study!

View Count: 1739

[2015-07-20 19:42:59]
User857142 - Posts: 82
Hi - I am registered user of SC.

I have attached the screenshot of a DOM where Total BID Qty is 203 & Total ASK Qty is 177. I just want to plot Total BID Qty - Total ASK Qty = 26! Preferably as a continuous line graph or just like Cumulative Delta is plotted! For e.g. if I chose 1sec TF, there would a different number plotted. It can also have -ve values with 0 as a reference line!

Am I missing this study in the study collection as I didn't find it in the collection and through search board! Please help and if not already available please add it in the next release as this is a very simple (just need to calculate A-B and plot!!) yet powerful study for Auction Market Theory followers!

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-20 19:46:55
imageneed to plot BUY-SELL.png / V - Attached On 2015-07-20 17:32:54 UTC - Size: 10.01 KB - 493 views
[2015-07-24 05:45:45]
User857142 - Posts: 82
Hi SC guys!

Any update on this? Posted this on 20th July, 2015
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-24 05:46:40
[2015-07-24 06:07:35]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We apologize for the delay with this. Sometimes when questions are more complicated and they take time to review, we do get behind on them with the volume of questions we have. We were planning to follow up with it today.

Not totally sure if this is what you are looking for but have a look at the Bid & Ask Depth Bars study:

Seems like it is what you are looking for though.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-07-24 07:21:00]
User857142 - Posts: 82
I have seen that study earlier too. But it's not exactly what I mentioned in my initial post because:

1). According to definition in "technical studies" for Bid & Ask Depth Bars study-: Total Bid Depth and Total Ask Depth are calculated every time there is a change with Market Depth at the best Bid and Ask level ONLY. Actually, I want the difference/ratio whenever there is any change on any level above or below. ONLY change at best bid/ask doesnt give the true picture of the underlying demand and overhead supply.

2). In case of difference too, it's ONLY "Total Ask Depth - Total Bid Depth". Please add "Total Bid Depth - Total Ask Depth" too!

Believe me this is a very important study which is used by order flow traders worldwide! Implementation wise its easy with few lines of codes. In Fact, you already have similar study! Either you can add to it what I mentioned above and make it a separate study or in the same study you can add option of "change on any bid/ask level" or "change in best bid/ask level"

Thanks in advance!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-24 07:28:05
[2015-07-24 08:07:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. Really, we think this is sufficient because often when there is a change at one market depth level the best levels are changing as well. Using too fast of an update frequency will use a significant amount of more memory. There will be a significant consequence for us to change this unless it were an option.

2. We are adding this now:
Total Bid Depth - Total Ask Depth
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-07-27 20:35:47]
User857142 - Posts: 82
I believe there is a confusion! Can you please explain how this "update frequency" which you mentioned has anything to do with this study! Infact, in the DOM its already getting updated every time there is a change in any level above or below. Its getting updated every second or less than a second! I am just asking for its graphic representation i.e. chart. Thats it!

As you knowingly/unknowingly said it rightly that "when there is a change at one market depth level the best levels are changing as well". But the study only plots when there is a change with Market Depth at the best Bid and Ask level ONLY!

So to chart what you said in your opening sentence, I need to have Total Bid Depth (all bid levels) & Total Ask Depth (all ask levels) then only this study is of any use. So in current study the Total Bid & Ask Depth (only if best bid & ask changes) gives a wrong picture as far as the order flow is concerned!

Moreover, as I have already said it before- the Total Ask Depth & Total Bid Depth are already getting updated in the DOM and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. You just have to add an study where its getting graphically represented with the same option/calculation mode/input value given in existing study (Bid & Ask Depth Bars)

Either you can add to it what I mentioned above and make it a separate study or in the same study you can define Total Bid Depth & Total Ask Depth with 2 options each:
1-Total Bid Depth as a)change at best bid b)change at all bid levels
2-Total Ask Depth as a)change at best ask b)change at all ask levels

Please let me know if there is still any confusion!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-27 20:45:16
[2015-07-29 01:32:05]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
There definitely is no confusion. We understand what you want.

This is from the documentation for this study:

Total Bid Depth and Total Ask Depth are calculated every time there is a change with Market Depth at the best Bid and Ask level only. This includes either the prices or quantities. This creates a snapshot of Total Bid Depth and Total Ask Depth at that moment in time. The snapshots are then used in the formulas.

It is not possible for us to change how this works. And we cannot change how the study works to calculate this data because that would be too limiting and give you less accuracy.

This is all we can offer. It will not help to try to get more out of us. We just cannot accommodate this without complications.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-29 01:33:30
[2015-08-26 11:58:39]
User857142 - Posts: 82
Hi...Since I understand your reservations that it's not possible for you to change (how it works) and I fully respect your technical view/aspect, can you atleast give an extra option on how it plots like Cumulative Delta i.e. like a continuous series.

I hope this will be very easy to add. I still insist & reiterate that this is a wonderful study when used correctly!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-26 12:00:21
[2015-08-26 16:53:53]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What do you mean by "continuous series"?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-08-27 07:19:43]
User857142 - Posts: 82
In short - Bid & Ask Depth Bars should be plotted like Cumulative Delta. Thats it!
[2015-08-27 07:34:21]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is too general of an answer for us to make any accurate sense from it.

Do you mean Bid & Ask Depth Bars should be drawn as Candlesticks? They already are.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-27 07:34:58
[2015-08-27 21:14:17]
User857142 - Posts: 82
Right now its plotted like Ask/Bid Volume Difference Bars http://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/doc_TechnicalStudiesReference.html#s291 i.e the result of any type be it ask-bid, bid-ask, ratio etc. in any form be it candle/bar/line/ etc.

What I meant clearly was - it should be plotted like in cumulative way i.e. a cumulative result of each candle/bar/line the way cumulative delta is calculated!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-27 21:16:50
[2015-08-29 07:11:29]
Cavalry3162 - Posts: 523
may i jump in too?

could you also add the same "total bid divided by total ask" ratio as you show in the trading DOM as a percentage?

i find this info very usefull in scalping terms.

and if you could add another drawing style (a simple line) as an alternative to the candlesticks for this, that would be great too.

[2015-09-06 19:05:44]
User857142 - Posts: 82
Can you confirm if you are looking into it or not (provided you have understood the request made in my last couple of posts), so that your position becomes clear??!!
[2015-09-06 23:04:19]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We now understand:

What I meant clearly was - it should be plotted like in cumulative way i.e. a cumulative result of each candle/bar/line the way cumulative delta is calculated!

We will put this on our Task list, but we do not know when it will become available.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-09-07 06:06:07]
User857142 - Posts: 82
Though not exactly what I wanted (initial post request), I am glad that atleast the request to plot it in a different way is accepted & now in your Task List!
[2015-10-05 09:43:50]
User857142 - Posts: 82
Hi - Any expected timelines? As its already 30 days since your last message.
[2015-10-05 09:56:39]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes, we should be getting to this in the next two weeks.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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