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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:47:31 +0000

Post From: Help needed to plot this simple study!

[2015-07-27 20:35:47]
User857142 - Posts: 82
I believe there is a confusion! Can you please explain how this "update frequency" which you mentioned has anything to do with this study! Infact, in the DOM its already getting updated every time there is a change in any level above or below. Its getting updated every second or less than a second! I am just asking for its graphic representation i.e. chart. Thats it!

As you knowingly/unknowingly said it rightly that "when there is a change at one market depth level the best levels are changing as well". But the study only plots when there is a change with Market Depth at the best Bid and Ask level ONLY!

So to chart what you said in your opening sentence, I need to have Total Bid Depth (all bid levels) & Total Ask Depth (all ask levels) then only this study is of any use. So in current study the Total Bid & Ask Depth (only if best bid & ask changes) gives a wrong picture as far as the order flow is concerned!

Moreover, as I have already said it before- the Total Ask Depth & Total Bid Depth are already getting updated in the DOM and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. You just have to add an study where its getting graphically represented with the same option/calculation mode/input value given in existing study (Bid & Ask Depth Bars)

Either you can add to it what I mentioned above and make it a separate study or in the same study you can define Total Bid Depth & Total Ask Depth with 2 options each:
1-Total Bid Depth as a)change at best bid b)change at all bid levels
2-Total Ask Depth as a)change at best ask b)change at all ask levels

Please let me know if there is still any confusion!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-27 20:45:16