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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:59:23 +0000

SC Data Feed Issue

View Count: 870

[2015-02-20 15:40:06]
User23815 - Posts: 210
I am using the SC realtime data feed. Charts up are ZN and ES. On the ZN only I also have a DOM and Time and Sales window open. Several times now over the last week or more, the chart shows that the feed is active but then I notice that it is not advancing. In order to get it moving again I have to disconnect and reconnect. Then it does not fill in the time that it was not feeding the charts. I tried a Delete and Download Data immediately after the reconnect and it did not fill in the missing time. Several minutes later I repeated the Delete and Download Data function and it did fill in the missing time. Is this an issue with the feed or with my SC? I am connected to IB Trading. Thanks
[2015-02-20 15:52:34]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is now resolved. There was a problem with the CBOT Data Feed on one of our servers. We are not sure why this is happening. This is the second time. We are not aware of any other instances of this. It appears to be a problem with the CME feed itself.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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