Support Board
Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:28:36 +0000
Post From: SC Data Feed Issue
[2015-02-20 15:40:06] |
User23815 - Posts: 210 |
I am using the SC realtime data feed. Charts up are ZN and ES. On the ZN only I also have a DOM and Time and Sales window open. Several times now over the last week or more, the chart shows that the feed is active but then I notice that it is not advancing. In order to get it moving again I have to disconnect and reconnect. Then it does not fill in the time that it was not feeding the charts. I tried a Delete and Download Data immediately after the reconnect and it did not fill in the missing time. Several minutes later I repeated the Delete and Download Data function and it did fill in the missing time. Is this an issue with the feed or with my SC? I am connected to IB Trading. Thanks