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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:27:39 +0000

Charting IB Symbols

View Count: 1026

[2014-10-23 10:19:50]
User80177 - Posts: 29
Would appreciate advise on the flwg:

1. I subscribed to IB for the DAX Cash index (IB symbol DAX) and DJSTOXX50 index (IB symbol ERTX50). I have problems displaying these symbols in SC.

For DAX, I used symbol DAX-I-DTB from the SC\File\Find Symbol\InteractiveBrokers Instance\IB Index. The SC chart displays intraday bars correctly but does not update in real-time.

For DJSTOXX50 index, I could not find the symbol in SC\Find Symbol.

2. I have two separate installs of SC. One is ATChart and another for IB with a separate subscription. The data sharing between the two instances are working well but I do have a couple of questions;

a) The Chart Settings/Trade and Current Quote Symbol is occasionally "lost" after restarting SC or when I "Connect" to the data service. And, sometimes, the Chart Settings/Symbol changes to the symbol of the Data/Trade Service Settings/Service that is set.

b) Currently, my two installs are sharing a common data folder. I seem to recall reading recently that each SC installation should use its own Data folder, that sharing data folders can cause problems. If so, please point me to the article.


[2014-10-24 08:31:00]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368

For DAX, I used symbol DAX-I-DTB from the SC\File\Find Symbol\InteractiveBrokers Instance\IB Index. The SC chart displays intraday bars correctly but does not update in real-time.
Contact IB about this and also refer to help topic 3:

We cannot find either of these symbols through an IB symbol search:

a) The Chart Settings/Trade and Current Quote Symbol is occasionally "lost" after restarting SC or when I "Connect" to the data service. And, sometimes, the Chart Settings/Symbol changes to the symbol of the Data/Trade Service Settings/Service that is set.
This could only happen if you are you linking charts by symbol or using a quote board and linking it to a chart, and the symbol of the chart changes. Or you have enabled Chart >> Chart Settings >>Automatically Rollover Futures Symbol.

b) Currently, my two installs are sharing a common data folder. I seem to recall reading recently that each SC installation should use its own Data folder, that sharing data folders can cause problems. If so, please point me to the article.

Do not do this! Refer to:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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