Help Menu
Descriptions for the various menu commands on the Help menu are listed below.
Getting Started
This command will take you to the Getting Started, Opening Charts and Basic Trading documentation.
Table of Contents
This command will take you to the Table of Contents of the Online Documentation.
This command will take you to the section on the website that lists the our Support Options.
Support Board
This command will take you to the Support Board, and automatically log you in.
Data/Trade Services
This command will take you to the section on the website that lists the supported Data/Trade Services.
This command will take you to the Sierra Chart home page.
Account Control Panel
This command will automatically log you into your account on the website and take you to the Account Control and Management Panel page for your account.
Add Usage Credit
This command will automatically log you into your account on the website and take you to the Add Usage Credit page for your account.
Download Current Version
This command will download the current version of Sierra Chart. The download will occur in the background. When it is completed the Sierra Chart installer will be automatically started. Follow through the given prompts to complete the installation. If there is no new version available, then the Message Log will display a message indicating this.
Download Prerelease
This command will download the latest prerelease version of Sierra Chart. The download will occur in the background. When it is completed the Sierra Chart installer will be automatically started. Follow through the given prompts to complete the installation. The latest prerelease will always be downloaded and installed with this command even if you already have the latest prerelease installed.
Download Latest Non-.NET Version
This command will download the latest version of Sierra Chart that does not use the Microsoft CLR (common language runtime) programming framework, also known as .NET. This is a more lightweight version, however at the time of this writing it does have some limitations.
Downgrade Instructions
This command will take you to the section on the website to install a previous version.
Accept Remote Assistance
This command will download the Remote Assistance client by Sierra Chart and start it up automatically.
Download Remote Assistance
This command will download the Remote Assistance client by your default browser.
Displays a window that shows the Sierra Chart version number, Account Name and Service Package.
*Last modified Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023.