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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 12:23:32 +0000

Numbers Bars (Ask Vol Bid Vol Difference above a certain value)

View Count: 547

[2025-01-30 12:30:17]
User753987 - Posts: 1
Hi everyone, i'm almost certain, this has been asked before. I searched the forum but i havent found my answer.

when i set in numbers bars, "column 3 numbers bars text" to "Bid Vol x Ask Vol"


"Bid/Ask Volume Threshold (In 94)" to "10" only volumes above 10 or -10 will be visible (See attached image 1 bidvolxaskvol).

The description says: This Input setting only applies when the Column # Numbers Bars Text Input is set to Bid Volume x Ask Volume. Only Bid Volume numbers or Ask Volume numbers that exceed this number will be displayed. The default value is 0 which means all volume values are displayed.

NOW my question :)
When "column 3 numbers bars text" is set to "Ask Vol Bid Vol Difference", is there a way (in numbers bars or another way) to only see values above a certain value (10)? Pls see image 2 askvolbidvoldifference. I want it like this but only with values above 10. Is there a way?

Thx a lot
image1 bidvolxaskvol.png / V - Attached On 2025-01-30 12:21:25 UTC - Size: 71.4 KB - 31 views
image2 askvolbidvoldifference.png / V - Attached On 2025-01-30 12:21:40 UTC - Size: 75.21 KB - 31 views
[2025-01-30 15:44:47]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
This has been set as a Feature Request. We can not say when we would get to any particular request.
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