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Date/Time: Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:45:50 +0000

screen chart windows blackout

View Count: 277

[2024-12-04 18:13:04]
User654047 - Posts: 15
I heave an intermittent problem with chart windows turning black.

This can happen after the pc comes out of sleep mode or when moving the chart/s to another screen. Not all are showing this, some are normal.

Image attached of current situation. Sometimes resizing/ moving to another screen and resizing brings the charts back.

Any suggestions on how to prevent / best way to fix this?
imageSC_Windows Blackout.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-12-04 18:08:15 UTC - Size: 45.35 KB - 45 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2024-12-04 23:03:28]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 17831
Do you have the OpenGL option in Sierra Chart enabled, do you know?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2024-12-05 13:48:32]
User654047 - Posts: 15
Yes, this is enabled. But I've unticked/ ticked this option and don’t see an improvement in this intermittent issue.
Using Quatro P2000 / P1000 graphics cards.
[2024-12-05 14:18:06]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 17831
This is a system specific issue. It is not something we can help with. We definitely recommend not using Sleep Mode of the operating system.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-12-05 23:59:13
[2024-12-05 23:59:18]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 17831
We definitely recommend not using Sleep Mode of the operating system.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-12-13 10:33:27]
User654047 - Posts: 15
There are occurrences where this also happens when trying to detach charts. For this particular chartbook some of the charts wont detach. And when I reattach and move the chart around it can develop the blackout window.

Firstly, any way to establish why the chart won’t detach?
But disappears instead.
[2024-12-13 14:33:55]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36980
When you detach the chart, the Operating System is then managing that window, which means that the window should be showing in the Windows Task Bar. Therefore, if you are not seeing it on the screen, then try to select it from the task bar.

If you select it on the task bar and the window is not showing, then this means that the window is off screen somewhere. In this case you would need to use the OS options for moving a window off screen to the main screen area. Do an Internet search for "move window from off screen" and you should find information for how to do this.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2024-12-13 20:58:47]
User654047 - Posts: 15
Thanks for the suggestion on locating the missing window.

This seems to be a common problem judging by the number solutions online.
[2024-12-14 19:21:27]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 17831
We will see about adding a command to move any particular detached chart window, to the main monitor.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-12-21 20:59:56]
User624595 - Posts: 213
We definitely recommend not using Sleep Mode of the operating system.

If no issues are apparent using sleep mode on a laptop that also runs Sierracharts, are there any risks?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-12-21 21:00:04
[2024-12-23 15:07:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36980
We occasionally hear of people running Sierra Chart after sleep mode and there are some odd things occurring. We can not remember specifics right now, but due to this we do not recommend sleep mode.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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