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Date/Time: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 13:28:02 +0000

Referencing studies from another chart

View Count: 114

[2024-11-17 12:30:12]
pjk0225 - Posts: 32
Is it possible to have one chart (destination) reference studies from another chart (source, of the same timeframe) when doing 'Color Background Based on Alert Condition' and 'Spreadsheet Formula' calculations?

Source chart - id1.sg1 outputs 1, id2.sg1 outputs 1
Destination chart - id1.sg1 is alert condition: and(id1.sg1 =1, id2.sg1 =1), where id1.sg1 and id2.sg1 come from the source chart
[2024-11-18 15:40:30]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36174
You can not reference other charts directly. You would need to do one of two things to do this:
1) Use multiple copies of the Study/Price Overlay to bring the studies to the destination chart and then reference those Study/Price Overlays for your alert condition.

2) Use the Spreadsheet Formula study in the Source Chart to generate a signal for the particular studies you want, and then overlay just that one "Spreadsheet Formula" study to the destination chart and reference the "Study/Price Overlay" in your alert condition.
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[2024-11-19 14:48:33]
pjk0225 - Posts: 32
I didn't realize that the Study/Price Overlay study will not calculate if the source chart does not contain the data for the destination chart. I was hoping the calculations on the destination chart would be extrapolated irrespective of the amount of data loaded on the source chart.

This is a problem for me because loading large amounts of intraday bars takes a very long time for just one chart. My current wait times reach 1 to 2 hours when loading YTD data for 10 sec bars. This would double if both charts need to be changed one after the other. But I need the full readings of the destination chart to export to excel so I can't skip this process.

Can the settings for both charts be updated at the same time? Like a global setting? EDIT: just found chart linking so no problem there. But I wonder if my loading times are way too long.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-11-19 14:57:07
[2024-11-19 17:11:26]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36174
I didn't realize that the Study/Price Overlay study will not calculate if the source chart does not contain the data for the destination chart.

We are not understanding this statement.


In terms of long times to load, it's very hard for us to say, as there are too many variables. But refer to the following:
High CPU Usage | Inactive User Interface | Poor Performance | Long Time to Load Chart Data | Charts Reloading Often
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[2024-11-19 18:19:30]
pjk0225 - Posts: 32
I didn't know that the source chart had to supply all of the data for the Study/Price Overlay, and that if the destination chart has more days loaded than the source chart, the study produces blanks on those extra days.

Anyways, regarding the load times, I went through that list multiple times in the past and have done what I can. One strange observation, though, is that on a virtual machine running Win 10 and with none of the optimizations done, the loading time is only about 10 minutes (when loading 10 sec YTD data), whereas the main pc (also win 10) takes up to 2 hrs. Performance on the vm is overwhelmingly better despite a 5 gb data file size for the ticker (saved in tick data) vs <50 mb on the pc. I still haven't figured out why the vm performs so much better.
[2024-11-19 23:23:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36174
I didn't know that the source chart had to supply all of the data for the Study/Price Overlay, and that if the destination chart has more days loaded than the source chart, the study produces blanks on those extra days.

It is just an overlay of the data. So if there is no data for a period of time, then there is nothing to display. This is the only way it could be.


With regards to data loading, check the "Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings >> Intraday Data Storage Time Unit". Make sure this is set the same on both systems, otherwise you are not comparing "apples to apples". But, a higher Intraday Data Storage Time Unit will definitely help with data loading. Refer to the following:
Data/Trade Service Settings: Intraday Data Storage Time Unit (Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings >> Common Settings)

Another item that you would need to look into is the drive that is holding the data. Older disk drives instead of SSD drives are much slower and this could be a bottleneck for you. You should definitely make sure you are using a fast drive to store your data, as Sierra Chart has to read a lot of data from the drive.
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[2024-11-20 07:03:55]
pjk0225 - Posts: 32
But, a higher Intraday Data Storage Time Unit will definitely help with data loading.

That's the thing, the virtual machine by all accounts should be performing worse, but it is magnitudes faster than the main pc.

Main pc installation:
nvme, 32 gb ram, stores 10 sec data, data file size < 50 mb
load time for YTD data: ~2 hrs

virtual machine (running on same pc):
hdd, 8 gb ram, stores tick data, data file size > 5 gb
load time for YTD data: ~10 minutes
[2024-11-20 16:40:53]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36174
Keep in mind that if you changed the "Intraday Data Storage Time Unit", then any data that was already stored will be at the previous increment. So it is possible that you still have a lot of 1 tick data in the file, depending on when you made the change. If this is the case, then you will want to delete all the data and redownload it to ensure that everything is stored in the 10 second increment.

The other thing you need to look at, as we mentioned, is the drive type. It has been awhile since I used an emulator, but what I used at that time was creating a virtual disk, in which case the data would not be stored on an actual drive, but in memory. So this could be why your virtual machine is faster - but this is something you would need to look into.
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