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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 23:31:14 +0000

DOM - Moving orders and hold orders for DOM strategy

View Count: 176

[2024-08-31 16:47:13]
treborn - Posts: 11


I would like to place entry and exit orders on the ladder, but I want to keep them on hold until I decide to activate them. This way, the orders will be visible on the DOM (Depth of Market), but they won't be executed until I manually activate them.

How I could do it quick and efficent way ?


When I place multiple quantities separately at the same price level, I can only move them individually, as if they were separate orders. How can I move all of them at once? I tried using the 'Scale In' option, but it didn’t work.

I would like to be able to do it in quick and efficent way, can I customize some keyboeard shortcut for it somehow ?

Kind regards,
[2024-08-31 18:07:57]
User274708 - Posts: 5
[2024-08-31 22:05:45]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34744
1. There is no way to "hold" attached orders and then make them active at some time. The only way to do this would be to either have the orders far away from where you want them initially and then move them. Or, you would not have the orders at all and then add them later using one of the "Send Attached Orders by Position/Price" order types. Refer to the following:
Order Types: Send Attached Orders - Position/Price

2. From what you are stating, the Scale In option is what you need. Refer to the following:
Attached Orders: Scaling In

If Scale In is not working for you, then we need to know exactly what you are doing and what is occurring, so we can understand what is happening.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-09-01 14:09:15]
User274708 - Posts: 5

Is there a way for Sierra to create this type of order?

This would allow users to place orders on the ladder (DOM), such as entry and exit orders, but keep them inactive (only sent to the Teton/Sierra server and resting there before being sent to the CME servers).

This could help traders prepare their strategies on the ladder in advance, without needing to place orders quickly when a trading setup appears. I know that Stellar offers this type of solution.

Would you consider adding this option for traders?
[2024-09-01 14:43:23]
treborn - Posts: 11

1.The Send Attached Orders seems to work only if you have already the position in from what I can see, anytime I am trying to set a new order without any prev position I recieve this "Trading errror: A position must exist to determine Buy/Sell. Attached Orders not sent."

2.I set the DOM Menu for Support Scale In option, below you can see on the screenshot that I set 3 seperate orders and tried to move them after together without the success.
Attachment Deleted.
imagesierra scale in.png / V - Attached On 2024-09-01 14:40:56 UTC - Size: 394.29 KB - 17 views
imagesierra scale in.png / V - Attached On 2024-09-01 14:43:18 UTC - Size: 394.29 KB - 15 views
[2024-09-02 14:19:18]
treborn - Posts: 11
Hi again,

Any idea what I could do different to make it work ?

I don't think Scale in option is the solution.

It is more like I placed several separate orders (entry orders) at the same price level on the DOM (Depth of Market) ladder. Now, I want to move all these orders together (as one big entrie order) to a different price level as a single group, rather than moving each one separately. Instead of adjusting each order individually, I want to drag and drop them as if they were one combined order to streamline the process
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-09-02 15:00:11
[2024-09-04 14:17:41]
treborn - Posts: 11
Hi again,

I can try to explain it in different words if that can help finds solutions for the "total order move".


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