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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:24:10 +0000

How to set Color Bar Based on Alert Condition Study value 2+ ticks over high or low of bar

View Count: 127

[2024-07-22 12:51:29]
TopGunTrader - Posts: 161

I want to display many text values above/below bar based on bar's condition for example up or down or over/under previous bar's high or low.

I want to display many text pieces of information. I have no problem displaying ONE using value on low but am having a horrible time trying to display TWO+ values.

So for example say bar is up I am displaying the range of the bar. If the high is over the previous bar's high I also want to display range of move over the previous bar's high and I want that at low of bar and with -1 or -2 ticks so that value displays one tick below range of bar.

So an up bar might have a range of 4 and since high is 1.5 points over previous bar's high the text displayed would be


I want multiple pieces of information above/below bar based on various things but again can't figure out how to display the second+ piece of information. I've seen "Custom Value at Y" but don't know where to set high or low of bar at tried many things it doesn't work for me.
[2024-07-22 12:56:10]
TopGunTrader - Posts: 161
I see study "Study subgraph above/below bar as text" but only want to display info there if alert condition is met and sometimes it will be above bar and other times below bar.
[2024-07-22 15:33:45]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
The "Color Bar Based on Alert Condition" has Inputs that allow you to specify an offset for where something is drawn. So you would need two "Color Bar Based on Alert Condition" studies to have an item drawn at one level and then a second for the item drawn offset by an additional 2 ticks (or 4, or whatever). Refer to the following and the item below it:
Color Bar Based on Alert Condition: Draw Style Percentage/Ticks Offset
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[2024-07-22 18:15:38]
TopGunTrader - Posts: 161

Thanks for response I was aware of that but can't figure out how to get TEXT value of a subgraph to be displayed -2 or +3 or -3 or +3 etc from high or low of bar.

Which "Draw Style" do I use for TEXT to display a sub graph value? I am using Value on High or Value on Low for first one but it won't let me offset. That's my problem there's likely another way of showing subgraph text above/below high/low of bar and OFFSET but I don't know what it is, that's my question to you guys.

How to display a subgraph value in text offset above/below high/low of bar in ticks.

Thanks in advance I tried so much but can't find any combo that works.
[2024-07-22 18:18:45]
TopGunTrader - Posts: 161
Just to avoid more delays What should setting be for

Output When Condition True
Input Data
What Drawstyle to display a subgraph value more than at the high or low of the bar I want it offset by 2+ ticks.
[2024-07-22 19:07:09]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
Sorry, we gave the quick answer without thinking a bit deeper about this.

For what you are doing, you need to use a combination of "Color Bar Based on Alert Condition" with the "Study Subgraph as Text Above/Below Bar". We have attached a Study Collection that gives you an example of how to do this. In the Study Collection it is displaying the Volume when the Volume is above 3000.

Don't get confused, there is no connection between displaying the Volume and the alert condition of Volume > 3000, it was just a quick choice we made.

Refer to the following for how to use a Study Collection:
Study Collections: Using a Study Collection Provided by Sierra Chart Support
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
attachmentVolumeAboveBar.StdyCollct - Attached On 2024-07-22 19:06:20 UTC - Size: 32.91 KB - 46 views
[2024-07-22 19:20:39]
TopGunTrader - Posts: 161
Thanks for response I would have never figured this required two studies to accomplish.

This may be a stupid question but why can't just value on high or value on low allow the tick offset? This would be so simple and easy and it was the first thing I tried but it didn't work. To me it makes no sense this isn't an option. I was planning on adding 4-5 text pieces depending on various criteria and there's a lot more steps than there should be to accomplish this. I know you guys are busy but if you get a chance can you add the most obvious way to do this, will save you on support later as few would ever figure out needing two studies for something that seems simple.

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