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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:30:31 +0000

Trade Lock specific DOMs / chart only

View Count: 218

[2024-05-30 13:03:51]
Woodzy - Posts: 32
Is there any way to use Trade Lock on specific DOM's / Charts only rather than the all or nothing platform wide option we have now?

I have a few chart DOMs up but don't want to trade of some of them, but if I turn Chart Trade Mode off on those charts then the DOM is closed.

The only other option I'm considering is starting a new instance for live execution charts only, is that the best way around this?
[2024-05-30 14:43:01]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
For charts (not Trading DOMs), you can set the option for "Trade >> Chart Trade Mode On" to not be enabled. You will not be able to enter or view orders on that chart.

There is not a way to turn off a Trading DOM. The only here would be to remove the Trading DOM altogether.

The other option you mention of using a separate instance will work as well. This is our recommendation for lowest latency trading in general. Refer to the following:
Overview of Trading: Sierra Chart Configuration for Most Low Response Time Trading
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-10 02:33:18]
User745789 - Posts: 252
Woodzy - I found another solution on the forum: for no-trading DOMs, set to require order confirmation. See M menu in Trade Window for each non-trading DOM.
[2024-07-10 09:24:21]
Woodzy - Posts: 32
Good idea User745789, yes that works. I would have to disable order confirmations in Global Chart trade settings first, before configuring the individual DOMS.

In the end I have settled for separate Sierra instances for my Live execution DOMs anyway as this also spreads any CPU load to give them best performance.

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