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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 22:35:02 +0000

Trading Issues/Improvements:

View Count: 1019

[2014-08-20 04:02:08]
Futures Operator - Posts: 239
Thank you for producing such a robust trading solution, I hope you will consider some further trading improvements when possible.

1. Auto Hide chart headers is very useful, but on a chart attached to a Trade window, it seems to cause issues. If another chart window is selected, clicking on an Order execution button like BUY MKT on the chart with the Trade window attached fails to work and only unhides the chart header. This moves the Order execution buttons as the header is unhidden, and a second click on the now moved Order execution button is required to place a trade. Could you add the option to disable auto hide chart headers on charts with trade windows attached, or make it an individual chart setting? Also getting rid of the unused space below a Trade window attached to a chart, especially in Compact view, would be beneficial to place other charts there.

2. Symbol alerts when a price level for a trade is hit are very useful, but on activation the pop up takes control of the mouse and window highlighted away from the chart/trade window selected, which is confusing at the moment of executing a trade. Could you add an option to not have a pop up on a Symbol alert, or not let the popup become the highlighted window/move the mouse?

3. Is there a confirmation available for the Flatten button on the Orders and Positions window? If not, could you add one?

4. Could you separate out the Confirmation options for Cancel All, Reverse, Flatten? ie if one wants to confirm on Flatten, but not on Cancel All.

5. Could you add the ability to quickly/easily split and combine stop and target orders once submitted? It would be incredibly useful not having to Cancel All and reconfigure and re-send Attached Orders, as it is not easy to do this while in a position, and exposes a naked position without Stops.

6. I run two copies of SC, one for Non-Simulated, one for Simulated. The Simulated Trade Windows are easy to distinguish at quick glance by their color, but the Simulated Orders and Positions and Trade Activity Log are not. Could it be possible to add Simulated to the titles of these windows and color them like the Simulated Trade windows?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-08-20 10:04:54
[2014-08-29 05:36:16]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
or make it an individual chart setting?
Yes, we will add this.

2. On the window for setting up a Symbol Alert, you have the ability to enable and disable a pop-up Alert notice. Disable the option.

3. There is always a confirmation and it cannot be disabled.

4. Yes. We will do that.

5. There is 0% chance of this. It is monumentally complex and we never see this happening.

6. You can tell the difference by looking at symbol in these windows. It will be prefixed with [Sim].

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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