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Date/Time: Sun, 19 May 2024 00:03:07 +0000

Account Name Visibility

View Count: 70

[2024-04-12 12:38:19]
trad - Posts: 24
Due to the number of characters, account names are being truncated in the trade window.
To address this, I wanted to display the full account name in a larger font directly on the chart.

While the name does appear in the left corner, the font size is too small.

I've tried looking through the graphics settings, but I couldn't find the option that controls the size of the account name on the chart. Could you please guide me on how to increase this font size?

An even better solution might be to display the account name using something like 'Text Display for Study'. This would allow me to easily position it in a different corner. However, I'm unsure if this functionality is available.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-04-12 12:39:07
Private File
[2024-04-12 14:36:07]
John - SC Support - Posts: 31704
The Trading Account name in the upper left is part of the general text. So the only way to change the size is to change the size of all the chart text through the "Chart Text" font. Refer to the following:
Graphics Settings: Chart Text - (current font name)

There is not another built-in option that will let you access the Trading Account to be able to display it elsewhere. You can create a custom study that would do this. Refer to the following:
ACSIL Interface Members - Variables and Arrays: sc.SelectedTradeAccount

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