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Date/Time: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 07:41:36 +0000


View Count: 414

[2024-03-13 15:38:26]
AmberNinja - Posts: 31
I sent a ticket for this and its nowhere to be found so I'm going to keep sending them until I get an answer. I'm taking a picture of this message this time so I have proof I sent it.
To set a sounds for when the server connects and disconnect you do not have a list of what the sounds are. Where is a list or a test button for the 20+ sounds you have that are all numbered WITH NO NAMES so we have no idea what the sounds are. Why is this??? Where is the sound file list of what the sounds say? In Global Settings - General Settings - Alerts i can set an alert for the server connecting but I have NO IDEA what the sound file is and no way to test it! How do I fix this???
[2024-03-13 16:58:50]
AmberNinja - Posts: 31
Ignore this post. Sorry I never got an email that you replied. How do we delete a post ticket?
[2024-03-13 17:40:21]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238
We have set this as "Resolved", so do not worry about it.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2024-03-13 21:26:18]
AmberNinja - Posts: 31
Its not resolved at all! Please reopen. Now the other Sounds post I posted is gone! Who deleted it an why??? This one should have been deleted not the other one. Where are the test buttons for all the 100 sound files??? There is NOT a test button or a list for all these other sounds!!!
Where is a list or a test button for the 20+ sounds you have that are all numbered WITH NO NAMES so we have no idea what the sounds are. Why is this??? Where is the sound file list of what the sounds say? In Global Settings - General Settings - Alerts i can set an alert for the server connecting but I have NO IDEA what the sound file is and no way to test it! How do I fix this???
[2024-03-13 22:57:35]
User303857 - Posts: 74
how do i listen to the 100 different sounds you offer?

[2024-03-14 14:44:41]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238
Please stop accusing us of deleting things from your system. This does not occur. We have sounds that we supply with the system. You are able to add as many other sounds as you like and they will be on your computer unless you remove them.

To test a sound file, go to "Global Settings >> General Settings >> Alerts" and in the field for "Alert Sound File Name" select the particular sound file you want to hear (the names of the sound files are related to what they sound like), then select the "Test Sound" button just below it.

You can also access the files directly through your operating system and listen to them using a standard tool such as Windows Media Player. The files are basic .wav files.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-03-16 15:52:54]
AmberNinja - Posts: 31
I was only saying that the 2nd ticket I sent about sounds has been deleted and I have no power to delete a ticket. So who deleted it?
Also if you look in the Global Settings >> General Settings >> Alerts window you will see a section that says SOUND FILE and there you can select a small number of sounds files that are named and test them.
Down below this area is an area called OTHER ALERTS. In here you have 200 ALERT SOUNDS that are NOT named and only numbered that we CANNOT play or hear as there are not in the C drive folder with the other sounds. Please explain what these numbered sounds are for and how we listen to them before assigning them. There seems to be no sound that says in speech SERVER CONNECTED OR DISCONNECTED.
Also, this link you sent above. "how do i listen to the 100 different sounds you offer?
" is 10 YEARS outdated with the WRONG old menus that are NOT relevant and very confusing. It also doesnt apply as I was only asking how I listen to the 200 numbered sounds. The TEST SOUND button works fine for me but that is in a different section and only plays that group of sounds. How do we listen to the 200 numbered sounds in the OTHER ALERTS section or are those even sounds? Also to select a sounds for SERVER CONNECTED and SERVER CONNECTION LOST in the OTHER ALERTS area they are only numbered sounds. How do we select sound files we can read by name and NOT number to assign to these OTHER ALERTS? Your system seems to be broken in this respect.
[2024-03-17 16:32:16]
User303857 - Posts: 74
You make your own customized alert sound and put it in the alert sound folder.
You can't listen to something that has not been created yet....
Don't think there are 200 sounds , until you make your own and add them.
Copy whatever sound file you want and name it what ever name you want
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-03-17 16:33:18
[2024-03-17 22:08:13]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4120
The default sound files that come with Sierra Chart are in your Sierra Chart \AlertSounds folder.
And there are not 200 of them.

There are 200 possible alert # assignments, but you'd have to supplement the default sound files to utilize them all.
Go here to create text-to-speech .wav files:
The files need to be a .wav file, and they need to be in your Sierra Chart \AlertSounds folder.
You would need to assign a .wav file to Alert#s that have no assignment.
You can also enter a User Defined Name for each assignment, if the file name is not descriptive enough.

Go to General Settings >> Alerts to assign a .wav file to an Alert#.
Here you can also listen to the ones that are assigned to an Alert#, but not to sounds that are not assigned to an Alert#.

To listen to all of the sound files in your Sierra Chart \AlertSounds folder, navigate to that folder outside of Sierra Chart, and open each one with a sound file app.

[Note: You'll have a better response from SC Engineering if you keep your cool.]
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-03-17 22:18:50
imageAlert# assignments.PNG / V - Attached On 2024-03-17 22:07:34 UTC - Size: 24.22 KB - 57 views
[2024-03-18 15:49:55]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238
We now understand what you are referring to. You are not thinking of the alerts correctly.

At the top of the "Alerts" page on the General Settings, you select an Alert Number and then you can configure the information for that Alert Number in the items below it, down through the section for "User Defined Name". When you setup an alert, you can set a sound that is associated with it. You do this, but selecting the sound file in the "Alert Sound File Name" field.

Down below the "User Defined Name" section are general Alert settings. So for items like "Server Connected Alert", you are not directly selecting a Sound File, you are selecting an "Alert Number" that was defined previously above and has a Sound File associated with it.

Refer to the following for the flow to setup an alert:
General Settings Window: Configuring Alert Number Instructions
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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