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Date/Time: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 02:00:05 +0000
Time Alerts not repeating
View Count: 289
[2024-02-01 15:11:12] |
cesium - Posts: 85 |
Hello, I have alerts set to reoccur every day at the same time, and once they triggered (like yesterday), they did not trigger today. I checked the alerts log and I see no entries for the alerts in question, and the alerts show as enabled and the triggered column says Triggered Im not sure how to get the alerts to repeat aside from changing the start date to the current day Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-02-01 15:17:21
[2024-02-01 16:02:34] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238 |
Keep in mind that in order for an alert to trigger it has to change state from False to True. If it stays True, then that will not create a new alert. How exactly are you creating this alert? For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2024-02-01 16:05:25] |
cesium - Posts: 85 |
Thank you, I created the alerts from the Alerts Manager, using Alerts > Add Time Alert, and using the Repeat every m,t,w,th,f function Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-02-01 16:06:36
[2024-02-01 16:59:40] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238 |
After the Time Alert triggers, it should update the Alert DateTime to show the Alert Date for when the next Alert will occur. So if you had the alert already today (February 1, 2024) then the date in the Time Alert should now be showing as "2024-02-02". Please let us know if the date is not updating as it should. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2024-07-09 13:32:28] |
cesium - Posts: 85 |
I figured it out, if the application hangs for some reason and i have to force quit, the time alerts dont update even if they were triggered that day. This is why it was so confusing, because i had heard the alerts the prior day, but then the current day, nothing Hanging does not happen often, less than 1% of the time I realize this is done this way to minimize disk writes? Saved chartbook, closed application, started application, alerts have kept updated time. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-07-09 13:39:02
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