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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:38:06 +0000

Possible to change Multiple Objects in Manage Drawing Window with

View Count: 252

[2023-08-08 00:48:44]
HumblyTrading - Posts: 184
Hello SierraChart,
I wonder if you would consider in some future version including the ability to select multiple objects in the "manage Drawings Window," and allow a change of settings using the Tool Configuration?

I see from other threads that changing properties is not supported for multiple objects, but I thought this might be a good compromise to change things quickly for those of us who edit objects quite frequently without necessarily opening the properties directly.

Thank you in advance,

[2023-08-08 13:43:51]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 310
Add My vote to the wish list - I am one of those that would benefit time wise with enhanced capabilities of the Manage Drawing Window. And to keep all thought in one place... (since there were no replies, I'll repost text vs the link to forum) Below is what I started in another post.
During my trading day, I have 6 charts - 3 time frames -- each 1 footprint & 1 candle stick. 6 total. I draw arrows, lines and annotate with text throughout the day. Many times I want to share that drawing to other charts. Sometimes only one specific object, sometimes I want to add/remove all of an object type. Or share/remove or hide all objects created in a specific timeframe, but leave the others.
(Ex. Remove all text & drawings from long time frame chart but not across all other windows.

1 - Drawing manager window is across the entire chartbook - requiring a new column -> Chart #.

2 - Hide individual shared objects through Mgr window and ACSIL. Including the ability to hide an object on the created chart, but stay visible on other shared to charts.

3 - Allow individual drawing object sharing - with ability to specify which charts it is shared with.
-- this requires ability to maintain sharing both on Drawing Manager as well as within ACSIL.
-- this requires a new column, with multiple entries in it for 'Charts shared with'.
-- an alternative better method would be to have a column for each chart #.
this combined with the ability to sort on any column, gives me, the user complete flexibility in what I want to accomplish.
- Ex. hide all text items shared with me, just sort on shared with chart # column, then if a 2nd level sort were available,
sort on object type, or select at the top of the window, text objects only

4 - Make multiple selection automatic - more like the rest of the interfaces we are used to. Just click on a checkbox, on each line, or use mouse drag. Then be able to right click, and select action from a popup/dropdown menu. This would be much less mouse movement. Also allow keyboard movement up/down the list of items and pressing spacebar to select/un-select an item.

The ultimate would be the ability of the Drawing Manager window to be more like a rubics cube, with the ability to have 2 levels of sorting on any two columns.

How do others use SC and drawing objects? I am just trying to be more efficient.
[2023-08-08 18:02:15]
HumblyTrading - Posts: 184
Thank you for adding your comment.

I think you describe a super powerful approach.

However, I was hoping to find a temporary solution that would give us a lot of benefit, without requiring a major upgrade or overhaul by the programming team.

I would be grateful for an upgrade in the ability to change the Tool Configuration for multiple objects, either within the Drawing Manager or by multiple selection on the chart itself, whichever is the easier to implement by the programmers.

I appreciate any consideration from the SC team.
Best Regards,

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