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Previous OHLC-Variable Period Study not working?

View Count: 3527

[2014-07-02 19:31:28]
FFTrader - Posts: 180
I am using SC Historical Data specifically (not sure if intra-day charts drawn in a daily / weekly format have this issue) but here is the problem.

It will not plot yesterday's OHLC?

Time Period Type: Days
Time Period Length: 1
Use Current Period: No
Min Required Time Period as %: 5
Display Debugging: Yes
Forward Project OHLC Lines: No
Number of Days to Calculate: 5

See attached screen capture (CL August futures daily chart). It plotted the OHLC of some random day? I guess my questions are as follows:
1. The faulty plot is plotting something a month ago - just eyeballing and not tested as yet.
2. If I plot the previous week OHLC on a daily chart, it seems to work. However, if I try to plot the previous week OHLC on a weekly chart, it will not work and same problem?

So it appeared less likely that I am using it wrong and something wrong with the study? Please help.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-02 19:32:11
imageSierraChart Previous OHLC.PNG / V - Attached On 2014-07-02 19:21:03 UTC - Size: 179.14 KB - 522 views
[2014-07-03 04:31:21]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
In the next release you will find a new input with the study called "Auto Skip Period of No Trading". You will need to set this to No to solve this problem.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-03 04:31:56
[2014-07-04 20:19:26]
FFTrader - Posts: 180
Ok. The next release meaning the one after 1156? Just updated from 1154 so "next" for me is 1156 - I do not see the new input so I guess I will wait.
[2014-07-07 17:51:25]
FFTrader - Posts: 180
Now the name becomes "Period OHLC-Variable Period" but it will not plot the previous period!? See attached screen capture with the corresponding settings. I am on version 1157. It seems that it fails to recognize weekends and holidays as non-trading days to the effect that if I chose AutoSkip to Yes, we are back to original problem.
image20140707 OHLC issues.PNG / V - Attached On 2014-07-07 17:48:48 UTC - Size: 184.39 KB - 606 views
[2014-07-08 17:04:17]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What you see does make sense when not automatically skipping a period of no trading.

The problem is the study was not designed to be used on chart bars with the same time frame as the period the study is set to. This is the underlying problem.

We will see if there is a solution to this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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[2014-07-08 17:31:52]
FFTrader - Posts: 180

I use it on a daily chart but in many places it is the smallest chart available on the SC Historical Data service.

The reason for using it on the SC Historical Data when I have trading data already is because sometimes the exchange adjusts its OHLC and volume numbers to square off positions, etc. and it will be different from the trading data.

If you can fix it or at least allow the use of the indicator with the daily time frame, it will be ideal

[2014-07-10 04:46:29]
jsoviero - Posts: 84
I use the Daily OHLC Sierra Study on the NQ Futures, however I can not get the Sierra market Close number to match the CME "Last" number on the CME Settlements page. For example regarding todays, WED July 9 NQU4-CME Future the Sierra close price is stated at 3886.00 using the Sierra Daily OHLC Study and the CME Group states the last traded price is at 3887.25

The CME page is here http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/e-mini-nasdaq-100_quotes_settlements_futures.html

Please explain why there is a disparity between the two, ie Sierra Close at 3886.00 and CME Last at 3887.25? Thanks in advance.
[2014-07-10 05:02:23]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
In response to post #7, refer to help topic 43.6:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-10 05:02:46
[2014-07-11 02:18:29]
jsoviero - Posts: 84
Thank you SC Support for the following thorough explanation of why the CLOSE price of any SC OHLC Study on CME Group futures contracts may be different from the reported "Last" price reported as the Last traded price from the CME Group.

43.6 - Differences Between Close Prices on Historical Daily Charts Compared to Intraday Charts

[link] - [Top]
Usually there will be a difference between the close price of a bar on a Historical Daily chart compared to the close price of a bar at the corresponding time on an Intraday chart.
When the market is open for a symbol, the close/last trade price of the last bar in a Historical Daily chart should match the close/last price of the last bar in an Intraday chart of the same symbol, as long as the Session Times for the Intraday chart are set to display all 24 hours of trading. This particular section, describes comparing the close price of bars other than the last bar in a chart.
There can be various reasons why you see a difference between the close price of a bar on a Historical Daily chart compared to the close price of a bar at the corresponding time on an Intraday chart. These can include time stamping differences, the fact that the Historical Daily charts use the official settlement price and this usually is different compared to Intraday charts, and incomplete data transmission from the data server or not receiving all of the data, and not comparing the closing prices at the exact corresponding times between the two charts.
The primary reason you will see a significant difference between the close price on a Historical Daily chart compared to the close price of a bar at the corresponding time on an Intraday chart, is because the Historical Daily chart uses the official settlement price. The official settlement price from the exchange is calculated using a certain algorithm. This algorithm can be found in the futures contract specifications on exchange website. This official settlement price is not the same price as the last trade price at the end of the trading session.
In general the close prices will not exactly match between Historical Daily charts and Intraday charts.
It is not possible to adjust the Session Times in Chart >> Chart Settings for Historical Daily charts. They are not used because they are set by the exchange or data provider the data originates from.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-11 02:26:48
[2014-07-11 05:00:14]
FFTrader - Posts: 180
I am well aware of the difference and this is why I use SC Historical Data server because it is a final number set by the exchange. Most of the time it does not match my closing price ... and more ... from data provided to me by my broker/data provider.

Since this data from the exchange / SC Historical Data server only consists of the OHLC on a daily basis for a wide variety of contracts (and nothing smaller than daily basis), it will be ideal if the indicator/study in question can use a daily chart for a daily OHLC plot.
[2014-07-11 19:46:05]
jsoviero - Posts: 84
+1 for FF Trader discussion. Personally I do not use the SC OHLC Study, as I lack confidence in those levels when it comes time to put the trade on. Instead I manually pull the OHLC numbers from the CME Group Website and manually load the OHLC numbers onto my SC Charts using separate instances of the SC Line Study. This is part of my nightly "homework" and perhaps this is the way trading should be, do your homework and harvest a reward, don't do your homework and harvest confusion and frustration??? However, as FF Trader suggested, it would be great if SC Support could give us a CME OHLC study that would reflect the official CME Group exchange numbers 100% accurately, and also have a date input rather than the confusing 1 day back, 2 day back, etc configuration, and also an option for RTH or Globex or both. In the same long winded, exasperated breath I want to thank SC Support for their tireless work in making and keeping SC the absolute best Chart Trading Software available today, bar none.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-12 01:48:03
[2014-07-13 12:33:30]
FFTrader - Posts: 180
as FF Trader suggested, it would be great if SC Support could give us a CME OHLC study that would reflect the official CME Group exchange numbers 100% accurately

Hi jsoviero - that is NOT what I am suggesting.

Sierra Chart Engineering said earlier and I quote:
The problem is the study was not designed to be used on chart bars with the same time frame as the period the study is set to. This is the underlying problem.

That is, if you use daily chart and want this study to plot the daily OHLC, it will not work. I was referring to the fact that within SC Historical Data service, many futures contracts have the smallest time frame available from the exchange as the daily OHLC - so inherently, one cannot use this study on the daily data from the exchange.

BTW, I believe SC Historical Data service do use the numbers from the exchange ...
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-13 12:34:23

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