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Date/Time: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 23:49:03 +0000

[User Discussion] - Spreadsheet J28 to disable Trading System Based On Alert Condition study?

View Count: 493

[2023-06-19 22:56:29]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
Lately I've been preferring to set up my basic automated entry conditions via the Trading System Based On Alert Condition study, but also add a spreadsheet system to handle things that can't be done in that study (primarily around flattening, pulling orders, etc.)

But I've run into something that doesn't appear to be working as expected. I have a simple formula in J28, to disable auto trading if the new entry is at the same price as the previous one (to prevent doubling up at the same price when allowing multiple contracts.

The formula triggers correctly, but despite J28 being TRUE, the TSBOAC study is still entering trades.

Does the SS J28 status not have any impact on the study entering? I had thought that using J28 was essentially the equivalent of disabling auto trading for the chart. Is this not the case after all?
[2023-06-20 02:36:26]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4120
Does the SS J28 status not have any impact on the study entering?
Apparently not.

One wonders why you prefer to use a lesser study to autotrade when you clearly are capable of using a spreadsheet study.
[2023-06-20 03:01:22]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 938
A few reasons. My unscientific observation is that the studies are faster & more robust in terms of processing/acting on signals. Also I find working in plain alert formulas is simpler than dealing with spreadsheet syntax for entry logic, and spreadsheets often do some very quirky things that I don't encounter with studies. But since there are definitely things one can't do with the TSBOAC study, I've been using both lately, each catering to what I perceive to be their strengths.

I've already come up with a workaround anyway, just expose J28 via one of the SS columns, then read that value out and act on it from the study. Working nicely.

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