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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:27:23 +0000

Pack 12 subscribed but only pack 11 displayed with delayed interactive broker datas

View Count: 296

[2023-05-25 09:29:56]
baptiste maubert - Posts: 3

I recently subscribed to pack 12 for Interactive broker real time data integration, but I got only pack 11 with delayed datas as mentionned in the window header, I attached you the file of the capture of hthe screen, plus your regular method screen captur mode containing the window header with the information.


Thank you very much !
Best regards
Baptiste Maubert
Attachment Deleted.
imageserive 11 delayed.png / V - Attached On 2023-05-25 09:26:43 UTC - Size: 10.71 KB - 87 views
[2023-05-25 14:07:31]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
You are specifically requesting data from our NASDAQ TotalView exchange since you are adding the "-NQTV" to the standard ticker symbol for equities. And since you do not have that exchange activated, you are getting the delayed data.

You need to use the symbols for Interactive Brokers to get the data from Interactive Brokers. Refer to the following:
Interactive Brokers Symbols: Stock Format

The other thing is that Package 12 is specifically meant to get MBO data. You can only get that MBO data from our Denali Exchange Data Feed. We do not bring in MBO data from any other source. Therefore, if you are using the Interactive Brokers data, then you will not have any advantage to using Package 12 and should change to Package 11.
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