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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 10:28:19 +0000

[User Discussion] - create .scid files

View Count: 2830

[2014-06-12 00:52:01]
maxpi - Posts: 181
How do we write a struct to a file? I read the info at http://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?l=doc/doc_IntradayDataFileFormat.html#FeedSierraChartData but I can't see how exactly to write the struct fields to a file..

[2014-06-12 21:32:07]
norvik - Posts: 22

This functions I use in my mfc application. sChart is like s_IntradayRecord type, but for some reasons, I use only int values.

BOOL CMainWindow::OnInitDialog()
  return TRUE;

void CMainWindow::CreateSCDataFile()
  strncpy (s_header.FileTypeUniqueHeaderID, "SCID", 4);
  header.HeaderSize = sizeof(IntradayHeader);
  header.RecordSize = sizeof(SierraChart);
  header.Version = 1;
  header.Unused1 = 0;
  header.UTCStartIndex = 0;
  char Reserve[36];

  memset (header.Reserve, 0, sizeof(header.Reserve));
  char *filename = "C:\\SierraChart\\Data\\6RVM4-CME.scid";
  myFile.open(filename, ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);
  myFile.write ((char*) &header, sizeof IntradayHeader);

void CMainWindow::WriteTickDataToSCFile(int price,int volume,int numberoftrades,int value1,int value2)
   double varTime;
   SYSTEMTIME sysTime;

    SystemTimeToVariantTime(&sysTime, &varTime);

    sChart.sierraTime = varTime;
    sChart.sierraOpen = price;
    sChart.sierraLow = price;
    sChart.sierraHigh =price;
    sChart.sierraClose = price;
    sChart.NumTrades = numberoftrades;
    sChart.TotalVolume = volume;

    sChart.AskVolume = value2;
    sChart.BidVolume = value1;

    myFile.write((char*) &sChart, sizeof sChart);

void CMainWindow::OnDestroy()

[2014-06-22 17:12:58]
ganz - Posts: 1048


in case you prefer more simple solution

import struct

filename = 'my1chart.scid'

datetime = 41800
price = 1.3535
volume = 1

output = open(filename, 'wb')

header = b'SCID8\x00\x00\x00(\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00'

for i in range(21): output.write(b'\x00\x00')

record = struct.pack('d4f4L', datetime, price, price, price, price, volume, volume, volume, volume)




Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-06-22 17:17:25
[2014-07-02 18:08:41]
ganz - Posts: 1048

this is another simple way using Lua

local lib = require"struct"
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack  

function fromhex(str)
return (str:gsub('..', function (cc)
return string.char(tonumber(cc, 16))

local hBinaryOutput = assert(io.open("./test.scid", "wb"))
if (hBinaryOutput) then  
    header = fromhex("5343494438000000280000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
    local vol  = 5
    local price  = 250
    local dt  = 41822.125
    record = lib.pack("dffffLLLL", dt, price, price, price, price, vol, vol, vol, vol)


Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-02 18:09:01
[2021-04-10 17:46:01]
User719206 - Posts: 93
hello ,

Actually i have a software developed in java that allow me to create a txt file to import intraday data in Sierra, I would like to get it in real time, I saw that i need to use a Scid file, is there a way to get the code that put trades in real time with java?

Thanks for your answer :)

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