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Date/Time: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 16:40:27 +0000

DOM price column width

View Count: 514

[2023-01-27 21:33:57]
User887126 - Posts: 66
Hi SC Team,

Item 1: I was able to change the price to show only the last 4 digit (Ex: 78.50 instead of $4078.50 for ES). however, i am not able to shrink the column width of the price column. Is there a way to do it?

The whole point of reducing the digit is to be able to reduce the width of the price column in dom. i want to be able to fit more doms in my workspace.

Item 2: Is there a way to have Time and sales as part of sierra chart window? I use OBS to screen record by program window and it is not capturing the time and sales window. In addition, if i minimize the SC window, sierra chart no longer update and freeze at price just before minimizing. Do you guys have any suggestion? The idea is that i want to be able to use other program while minimizing sierra chart window (and recording that entire window with update).

please advise.
[2023-01-27 22:13:31]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36350
Item 1: I was able to change the price to show only the last 4 digit (Ex: 78.50 instead of $4078.50 for ES). however, i am not able to shrink the column width of the price column. Is there a way to do it?

The whole point of reducing the digit is to be able to reduce the width of the price column in dom. i want to be able to fit more doms in my workspace.

There is not a way to manually adjust the width of the Price Ladder. The system should be making it as small as it can given what is displayed.

But, in the case when using the Limit Price Displayed to N Right Characters, the system is not setup to recognize the smaller information and therefore does not adjust the width for this change.

We are aware of the request to have the scale adjust in this case - but it is not something we have had a chance to change.
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