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Date/Time: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 01:29:18 +0000

[User Discussion] - study

View Count: 480

[2022-12-14 17:36:21]
User220939 - Posts: 36
Je voudrais tracer automatiquement les niveaux de vwap de la veille dans la journée actuelle.

Pouvez vous m'indiquer comment faire?

[2022-12-14 21:56:02]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36350
From Google Translate:
I would like to automatically plot vwap levels from the previous day into the current day.

Can you tell me how to do it?


The only way to grab a piece of information from a prior point and then carry it forward is to use the Spreadsheet Study for this. Assuming you already have the VWAP study on the chart and that your chart is Time-Based, then you would start by putting the following formula in the K column:
=IF(FRACTIME(A3) = 15.5/24, ID1.SG1@3, 0)

Where 15.5 represents the hour and portion of minutes of the start of the last bar from the previous day (15:30 in this case). It is divided by 24 to define it as a decimal which is how Sierra Chart handles time internally. ID1.SG1@3 is the ID (1) of the VWAP study and Subgraph (SG1) of the VWAP itself. The @3 is a spreadsheet nomenclature for row 3, so the beginning of the data in the spreadsheet.

Then in Column L put the following:

Where K is the K column and the range is dependent on your data and number of entries in your spreadsheet. This will then give you a line in the L column that represents the previous day's VWAP in the current day.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2022-12-28 14:20:00]
User220939 - Posts: 36

j'ai un ami qui a réussi a le faire avec l'étude (ECIVwapV1.5), pouvez vous me dire à quoi ça correpond?

[2022-12-28 17:20:17]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36350
From Google Translate:
I have a friend who managed to do it with the study (ECIVwapV1.5), can you tell me what it corresponds to?

The ECIVwap study is not one of our studies. We include it as a courtesy as part of our "User Contributed Studies". Therefore, we can not say how they did it with that study. It may be a built-in option with the study, or your friend may have modified the code.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-12-28 20:02:47]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4123
From Google Translate:
I would like to automatically plot vwap levels from the previous day into the current day.

Can you tell me how to do it?

This custom spreadsheet study does it:
[2023-01-02 10:34:20]
User220939 - Posts: 36

Merci pour le lien vers la study, mais j'y comprends rien je n'y arrive pas.

est ce que vous allez développer une "study overlay" qui permette de faire ça?

ça serait top pour vwap, market profile, volume profile, etc...

[2023-01-02 14:35:14]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4123
est ce que vous allez développer une "study overlay" qui permette de faire ça?
are you going to develop a "study overlay" that allows you to do this?
That custom spreadsheet study applies only to the VWAP study.

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