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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 13:14:45 +0000

ACSIL: How can one get the LineNumber of an ACSDrawing whilst knowing only its Index?

View Count: 474

[2022-11-25 07:14:03]
User907967 - Posts: 54
How can one get the LineNumber of an ACSDrawing whilst knowing only its Index?

[2022-11-25 07:39:46]
User907967 - Posts: 54
I found it. Here we go:

s_UseTool ChartDrawing;

for (int Counter = 0; Counter < 10; Counter++){
sc.GetACSDrawingByIndex(sc.ChartNumber, Counter, ChartDrawing, 1);    
sc.DeleteACSChartDrawing(sc.ChartNumber, TOOL_DELETE_CHARTDRAWING, ChartDrawing.LineNumber);

[2022-11-25 09:58:17]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18974
Yes you can iterate through them by using this function:
Using Drawing Tools From an Advanced Custom Study: sc.GetACSDrawingByIndex()
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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