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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 11:24:15 +0000
RIthmic, rtrader pro and multiple platform including sierra chart
View Count: 2238
[2022-11-15 21:36:25] |
User134344 - Posts: 24 |
Hi, - can I use rtrader pro for spliting connection to multiple platform including sierra chart or it works this way just with other platforms? - did you finally solve those historical data with rithmic, if user doesnt have denali? Just with package 5 or its neccessary to get package 11? Why not add denali to package 5 without the possibility to use it fully, like connection to exchange, just for the purpose of geting historical data from other datafeed, if it still doesnt work without denali properly? Regards |
[2022-11-15 22:03:25] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009 |
- can I use rtrader pro for spliting connection to multiple platform including sierra chart or it works this way just with other platforms?
We have no idea what you are asking about here. Please give us some additional information on what you are wanting/looking for. - did you finally solve those historical data with rithmic, if user doesnt have denali? Just with package 5 or its neccessary to get package 11?
Why not add denali to package 5 without the possibility to use it fully, like connection to exchange, just for the purpose of geting historical data from other datafeed, if it still doesnt work without denali properly? There is nothing for us to solve. Rithmic is simply not sending the data. And it is necessary to be on one of the Integrated Packages in order to get the data or connect to an external service. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-11-18 13:09:39] |
User134344 - Posts: 24 |
I want to use multiple platforms with rithmic connection using sort of addon for other platforms. Asking if theres something for sierra chart too so I could for example use bookmap and sierrachart with rithmic. Point is to pay for data fee service just once with exchanges and use same data in multiple platforms simultaneously. I cant use other datafeeds with package 5 or cant use it properly? Wonder, but cant u perhaps make and addon for rtrader pro like ninjatrader8 or bookmap has so historical data would come throught from rithmic via rtrader pro? |
[2022-11-18 16:38:48] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009 |
Sierra Chart is not setup to do what you are asking. For Rithmic data you need to connect to the Rithmic server and only the Rithmic server. We do not have a way to connect to a different system to get the data.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-11-18 21:19:04] |
rondawes - Posts: 39 |
John, I think he is asking if SC can connect to Trader Pro via the plugin method. Back when I used MultiCharts and tried Rithmic data, I could connect both MultiCharts and BookMap at the same time to one Rithmic feed by using the plugin connection method when both packages connected to Rtrader Pro. Rtrader got the data feed and had an API that let multiple clients get the data. CME was OK with this as long as there were only 2 streams used on one machine. Sort of like you let 2 instances of SC get Denali data from one connection. Different technology, of course.
[2022-11-18 22:10:12] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009 |
All we can say is that with the way the connection works to Rithmic at this point (which is a Rithmic implementation of the DTC protocol), there is not a way to connect to the Trader Pro software. You can only connect to the specific servers which Rithmic defines and gives to us.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-11-26 22:19:42] |
User134344 - Posts: 24 |
Flexible platform (altought still without options tools) but very inflexible regarding connection or advanced trade copier to multiple accounts. Whats the point having datafeed, when it cant be used at more places (brokerage or other platforms, which have something different, that sierra dont have at this moment). Didnt sierra worked better with that addon before direct connection from rithimic without the neccessity to use denali for proper loading of historical data? To me its against logic paying for denali datafeed, while already paying for rithmic datafeed and fees from each exchange. What if it would be just about data for analyzation without execution of trades? |
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