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Date/Time: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 18:23:32 +0000

IB symbol update erased my chart drawings

View Count: 391

[2022-11-15 19:17:18]
luckystripes - Posts: 2
I followed the IB update steps for ES but it cleared all my chart drawings. Luckily I still have my old ES chartbook with drawings. How can I move my old drawings to the updated ES chartbook?
[2022-11-15 21:34:54]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38829
Did you Duplicate the charts from the old chartbook to the new one and then update the symbols? If so, then the drawings are still there, just not visible since the symbol changed.

If the above is the case then refer to the following:
Chart Drawing Tools: Showing or Hiding Drawings for Different Symbols

If you did something else, then we need to know how you created the new chartbook.
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[2022-11-16 05:09:51]
luckystripes - Posts: 2
Didnt realize I had to check show drawing for different symbol. That fixed it for me. Thanks.

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