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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:43:43 +0000

Constant Range - Keep Last Bar Within View?

View Count: 943

[2022-11-11 16:55:15]
User426450 - Posts: 15
I have two charts set up exactly the same and only the chart on the left keeps updating to the last bar within view and the chart on the right always gets behind and I constantly have to either double click the right margin or scroll the chart back and forth with the mouse to make it catch up to the other chart on the left. Is there anything setting that I am missing to fix this? They should update simultaneously if they both have the same timing. I have tried using different times on the charts and always the chart on the left is the one that updates and the one on the right gets behind.

[2022-11-11 17:29:53]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18974
What you are describing is not clear from our perspective. When you have a problem with one of the charts, provide an image of it. Instructions:

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Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2022-11-11 19:18:13]
User426450 - Posts: 15
File attached
imageBefore Adjusting the Vertical Scale.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-11-11 19:17:27 UTC - Size: 3.71 MB - 125 views
Attachment Deleted.
imageAfter Adjusting the Vertical Scale.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-11-11 19:17:59 UTC - Size: 3.88 MB - 121 views
[2022-11-11 19:40:32]
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009
We assume you are referring to the recentering of the last bar and that it is not putting that last bar in the center in the chart on the "right".

What are the scale settings for both of these charts. In particular, the following items:
- Scale Range type:
- Constant Range Scale Mode (if using Constant Range Scale Type):
- Constant Range Scale Recenter on Interactive Scaling Change:
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[2022-11-11 20:13:23]
User426450 - Posts: 15
Hi, I decided to attach a picture of the settings, thus, you will have clear view for better understanding.
In both charts, I am using the same settings.
The chart on the right should be at the same height of the chart on the left. When I read across horizontally (from left to right) I should find the chart on the right at the same price point and vertical distance than on the left. The chart on the right is the one that I need to double click on the price scale to bring it to the chart on the left.

Thank you
imageSettings.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-11-11 20:13:00 UTC - Size: 5.6 MB - 113 views
[2022-11-11 21:00:40]
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009
Which chart are these settings from? and are you certain that both charts have exactly the same options selected?

Off hand, it looks like this is the settings from the chart on the right, and we would recommend changing the Constant Range Scale Mode to Recenter to the Last Bar on Every Update for what you are wanting. Refer to the following:
Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting: Constant Range Scale Modes >> Re-Center To The Last Bar On Every Update
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[2022-11-11 21:39:53]
User426450 - Posts: 15
Hi, thank you for answering fast, I really appreciate it.
The horizontal and vertical dimensions of the charts are the same, the candle width also is the same.
Personally, none of the 3 options of Recenter to the last bar on every update will work for me. These options cause the whole chart to move at the same time the candle is moving. I feel like I am trying to walk in a Merry Go Around where the floor is moving at the same time that I am walking. The option I selected will keep the chart fixed, the price of the vertical scale won't move, and the only movement is the candle.
Thank you
imageCharts and Identical Settings.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-11-11 21:39:03 UTC - Size: 3.73 MB - 106 views
[2022-11-11 21:56:58]
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009
We just want to make sure we are fully understanding the issue.

If you get your charts setup such that the same bar is displayed at the center of the window, as you want it, then you scroll the chart back some amount and then forward again such that the same bar is at the far right, the chart on the left will show the bar in the center, but the chart on the right will show the bar offset from center (as per your original images).

Is this the correct scenario you are describing?

If so, then can you get us the Chartbook(s) that contain those charts for us to take a look. You can attach a file by following these instructions:
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[2022-11-12 00:14:10]
User426450 - Posts: 15
Hi, this is exactly what is happening, the chart on the right (the bar) is offset from the chart (the bar) that is on the left. When I am looking at the index (ES), I am always looking at the chart on the Left and following the candle direction. At some point in time, I quickly glance to the chart on the right and I notice that even though the price of both charts at that instance is the same, the chart is offset, and I have to quickly double click the price vertical axis on the chart on the right to eliminate the offset and bring it to the same position to the bar on the left chart. A second option to eliminate the offset is to scroll with the mouse the chart to the left and quickly scroll to the right.
I remove the studies as per instructed and the issue is still there.
I hope that chartbook (chartbook1) has the information requested.
Thanks again.
attachmentChartbook1.Cht - Attached On 2022-11-12 00:13:47 UTC - Size: 178.64 KB - 217 views
[2022-11-14 15:42:32]
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009
We see the issue and have tracked it down to a combination of the Link for the Scroll Position with the Constant Range scaling.

It will take us a bit to look into this further to figure out the underlying issue.

If you can, we recommend using "Automatic" scale for both charts, as then the scrolling will not have this issue.
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[2022-11-14 22:36:44]
User426450 - Posts: 15
Hi, thank you for reviewing the workbook that I sent you.
I was using Automatic Scale before switching to "Keep last bar withing view" option since none of the other Recenter options would work for me as I explained before.
However, on November 10, when the economic report was published at 8:30 am, the 8:30 Candle shoot to the top of the chart and would not retrace (I have a 27 in Monitor). The software would push down the chart to certain distance and as the candle continued climbing to the top of the chart minus the margin that I set on the scale setting, all I could see was a candle of a 1/2 centimeter the most in height. After a few minutes, I decided to move the chart down using the Interactive Scale Move and after expanding the chart, I realized that each candle would represent a 4-to-7-point movement which meant a large candle size. Before bringing the chart down All I could see was a very small candle and I could not realize the real movement that was taking place. I cannot trade what I don't see.
I am looking forward to the time when you can release a solution to this. You probably realize that I don't have two charts side by side with the same time, what is the point. I was illustrating that even with duplicate chart I would experience the issue.

Thank you again.
[2022-11-23 20:06:21]
John - SC Support - Posts: 39009
We have looked a little deeper into this and found that there is not an easy solution. It turns out that the option for linking Scroll Position moves the linked chart to the same location, but it does not force the secondary chart to abide by the scale settings.

We just want to let you know that this is not something that will be coming anytime soon.
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