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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 18:29:08 +0000
Denali / TopStep / Rithmic
View Count: 1073
[2022-10-31 07:02:35] |
User976707 - Posts: 6 |
Hello, Struggling a little with how to use Denali data feed, while connected to Rithmic Direct DTC for TopStep, if that is indeed possible. I am running service pack 11. I have followed the easy solution and connected to a live funded account (with AMP) to get cheaper non-pro CME data. I have a Topstep account and I've entered in the various details into the Data /Trade Service settings to connect to Rithmic Direct - DTC [trading] This connects but the market depth on the Trade DOM is only two levels (with the %) (in the bid / ask columns). How do I use the Denali data feed instead? When I've attempted to use SC Data All Services [data] it does not show the account names (for TopStep) in the Trade DOM drop down, just SIM. When I've used Rithmic Direct DTC with 'Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds: Yes' it's back to only two levels of market depth in the DOM and there is no [M] in the top info line, so I presume from this it is not using SC data. What am I missing? If it is not possible, how do I go about getting the market depth back in the Trade DOM? Thanks in advance. |
[2022-10-31 09:49:10] |
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18843 |
The two additional things that you need to do are complete the market data agreement and activate the exchange or exchanges you need here: Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-10-31 09:49:27
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