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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 09:58:08 +0000

"Save To Global" feature request

View Count: 357

[2022-10-19 16:38:58]
ElDuderino - Posts: 17
This is a feature request for a "Save To Global" option.

Context: I frequently modify my current Trading DOM. I want to save my new configuration such that it is automatically applied whenever I "Open a Trading DOM" in any Chartbook. I do not want to have to go into Global Settings and repeat the work I just did (which is often extensive and time-consuming) just to make the configuration globally applicable. The same logic applies to the Time and Sales window: after making several setting changes, I want to save it globally such that whenever "Open Time and Sales Window" is selected in any chartbook the newly configured version will appear.

Thank you for your time and attention.
[2022-10-19 21:12:04]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
We understand what you are asking for and it is not this way right now.

But, there is a way to not have to redo all the work, and that is to duplicate the Trade DOM or the Chart that has the Time and Sales on it. This way the setup you have for these items will carry over to the duplicated item. You would then have to update the symbol for the new chart. Refer to the following for more on this topic:
Using Chart Templates: Duplicating Charts / Template Charts
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[2022-10-19 22:02:46]
ElDuderino - Posts: 17
Thanks, John, for your timely response. I know about, and frequently use, chart duplication. I was hoping for a more intuitive functionality that would support easily propagating an object's configuration state.

I would be interested in knowing why the engineers that implemented the outstanding Copy Drawing capability and excellent Chart Replay in the most feature-rich, technically solid charting platform on the planet haven't given the users something as basic as Right-click on object-->choose Save as Global Config-->Give name to Config-->Save. You guys could probably do that in your sleep!
[2022-10-19 22:14:07]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
Everything takes time, and there are just a lot of priorities right now, and a lot to do. It's just not something we can get to right away.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-10-19 23:58:54]
ElDuderino - Posts: 17
I understand the importance of prioritization in the technical realm and respect the judgement of the SC engineering team. I do request that given the opportunity, the save-object-config-to-global functionality I described will be given serious consideration. I can say with great confidence that its implementation would make at least one SC user smile!

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