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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:16:00 +0000

[User Discussion] - Auto trader buy exit is also sell entry?

View Count: 469

[2022-10-07 18:00:29]
hr719 - Posts: 25
Currently I built a buy signal study and sell signal study, that I would like to use for auto trading. I would like to have the buy signal take "buy entry" and short signal to "buy exit." But as soon as the buy exit triggers, I would also like for it take "short entry" right after "buy exit" bases off of the same alert. and then "short exit" to trigger "buy entry" as well. Basically the alert is one for buy and sell, but I would also like to exit using the same parameters.

What would be the best way to do this? I know I can use attached orders but I'd prefer not to because this is a trend strategy and there is always these two triggers.
[2022-10-07 19:02:26]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4186
What you describe is a system that Reverses on a signal in the opposite direction.
So you would always be in the market, after the first entry of the day.

Set 'Support Reversals' to Yes.
Use only Buy Entry and Sell Entry signals
Do not use Buy Exit/Sell Exit signals.
[2022-10-07 19:41:56]
hr719 - Posts: 25
Awesome thank you so much
[2022-10-07 20:33:48]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4186
Note: You can use Attached Orders with Reversals:
Set 'Cancel All Orders On Reversals' to Yes
Set 'Allow Entry With Working Orders' to Yes
[2022-10-07 20:39:24]
hr719 - Posts: 25
Wow, even better. thank you so much @tomgilb. Works perfectly!

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