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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:11:57 +0000

[Programming Help] - ACSIL - file in use after closing it

View Count: 392

[2022-10-06 08:23:08]
tomna1993 - Posts: 24
I have a function (see below) to open a file I created before and append data to it then close the file. Sometimes if I want to delete the file it shows me that the file is in use by sierra, but it's not. Could you help me figure out what happens and how can I solve this problem?

// Save data to log file
void SaveDataToLogFile(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc, SCString Path, SCString DataToSave)
int FileHandle;

sc.OpenFile(Path, n_ACSIL::FILE_MODE_OPEN_TO_APPEND, FileHandle);

unsigned int BytesWritten = 0;
unsigned int BytesToWrite = DataToSave.GetLength();

sc.WriteFile(FileHandle, DataToSave, BytesToWrite, &BytesWritten);


imageFileInUse.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-10-06 08:22:54 UTC - Size: 17.03 KB - 95 views

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