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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:07:36 +0000

Confirm Funding

View Count: 369

[2022-10-04 23:35:26]
808musashi - Posts: 7
Can you guys confirm that i put money on my account? I used the paypal method but im unsure if it worked or not? Also while you're at it could you confirm that ive switched to non professional as well as confirm the data for equities?
[2022-10-05 13:40:51]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
The last payment we see was from PayPal on August 8, 2022. You can view the transactions for your account by selecting the link for View Transaction Log and Payment Receipts from the main Control Panel for your account on our website. Or you can select the following link to go there directly:

If you have made a more recent payment that is not posting then please open an Account Support Ticket (these are private) and let us know the information for the payment so we can track it down.

With regards to the Non-Professional status, we see that your account is listed as a Non-Professional, so you can activate the Non-Professional exchanges at the following link:
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