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Date/Time: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:20:08 +0000

Read-Only Shared Username to Live Account

View Count: 824

[2022-09-15 18:16:20]
seandunaway - Posts: 347
May I please add my friend to be able to read-only my live account? and me, theirs.

I contacted my broker, assuming they'd be the one managing the Edit Trade Account settings but they referred me to you.

Is this possible please? Is it you or the IB that manages these settings?

Thank you!
[2022-09-15 19:03:31]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18809
Sierra Chart has no control over this for a live account. This can only be handled by the clearing firm and with their permission. They may not allow it. Have them contact the clearing firm and explain what you want to do and see if they will do that.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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