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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 12:34:47 +0000

Replay - Numbers Bars calc values 2

View Count: 1044

[2022-09-13 00:04:32]
User993067 - Posts: 174
Are Numbers bars CalcValues2 data available for market replay?
I have data from that study sent to text display on dom...which to is not visible during replay, nor does it calculate during replay, is there a setting adjust or does NBCV2 tool only calc in RT?

[2022-09-13 22:44:09]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38735
All of the information could be available during a replay, but the Pulling/Stacking has a few contingencies that need to be met in order to get that data to show up during a replay.

First, you need to have recorded the Market Depth data for that symbol for the time of the replay. If you do not have the Market Depth data, then you can't have pulling/stacking information. Refer to the following regarding replaying Market Depth data:
Replaying Charts: Replaying of Market Depth Data

It may not be required at all times, but you should have the Pulling/Stacking columns present. There are times when without this the pulling/stacking is not kept. During a replay it is best to have these on to ensure you get that information.
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[2022-09-21 13:56:46]
User993067 - Posts: 174
Thanks... the pulling stacking works fine on replay...the issue is the AskBid/ Pulling/stacking Sum Difference value in NBCV2 does not populate in the grid beneath price during replay...or I haven't found the setting for it yet...Then the Text Display from Study tool does not receive data...

Is this issue fixable?
imagesnip1.png / V - Attached On 2022-09-21 13:55:47 UTC - Size: 265.35 KB - 109 views
imagesnip2.png / V - Attached On 2022-09-21 13:55:56 UTC - Size: 260.04 KB - 108 views
[2022-09-21 16:35:49]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38735
As mentioned above, you should have the Pulling/Stacking columns displayed to ensure the data is there to pull in.

The other thing to be aware of is that the Ask/Bid Pulling Stacking Sum Difference is only going to display data where it has been calculated. In other words, when you start a replay the values will be 0 for all prior bars and then you should see the data for new bars as they are added.
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Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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