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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:50:10 +0000

Unable to change Time & Sales bid/ask background color

View Count: 579

[2022-08-30 14:06:33]
User153286 - Posts: 56
I created a T&S window using File-> Open Time and Sales Window.

I then opened Global Settings, find the Time and Sales: listings. When I select Time and Sales: Bid Trades Background, the enable check box remains grayed out.

Chart-> Graphics Settings behaves just like the Global Settings in that the enabled remains grayed out.

There is nothing in the T&S Settings - > windows settings that affects colors

I can not attach/de-tach the T&S window

How can I adjust the background color of Bid trades in the Time & Sales window?
[2022-08-30 14:24:42]
User431178 - Posts: 614
You don't need to enable anything, just change the color in the global or chart graphics settings.
[2022-08-30 14:39:14]
User153286 - Posts: 56
I had stated with the Global settings, changing colors and not seeing enabled available and no color changes when apply hit, thought enable had something to do with it.

I tried chart version, as you said enable is still grayed out, but when changing color and applying from the chart version then the colors changed

For me changing the global version did not change the colors, but using the chart version it does work - as you indicated enable has nothing to do with it for TnS settings

[2022-08-30 14:58:06]
User431178 - Posts: 614
I would assume that Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of These Settings is not ticked in the chart graphics settings window.

Graphics Settings: Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of These Settings
[2022-08-30 15:31:12]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18799

I can not attach/de-tach the T&S window
Refer to the documentation here for this:

Time and Sales Window: Attach/Detach Window
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-08-30 15:31:28

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