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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:42:06 +0000

Invert price function under symbol settings

View Count: 358

[2022-08-29 13:52:32]
User117347 - Posts: 46
I have the "inverse prices" function selected under symbol settings on my chart. This has worked perfectly to "mirror" the price chart. Today it is not working.

PROBLEM: I opened my chart today and the bar period loads incorrectly on the chart. I use a 10-second chart. The setting values is arbitrarily changed instead to 0-240-0. I switch it back to 0-0-10. The chart changes momentarily but then switches back to 0-240-0. I get an error message that reads "You have performed an operation which cannot be completed because this chart is being referenced by studies in other charts in the chartbook. Do you want to clear those references" I select yes I want to clear those references. But the chart stll switches back to 0-240-0. I need it to stay as a 0-0-10 chart. As I mentioned it has been working fine.

Please advise. Thank you.
[2022-08-29 14:49:34]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
As the error message states, the reason it keeps switching is because you have other charts that are referencing that chart in some way that requires a specific timeframe. This has nothing to do with the Invert Price setting.

Follow the steps at the following link to find and clear the issue:
Unable to Change the Bar Time Period for Charts
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