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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 02:55:02 +0000

Simply move a rectangle

View Count: 807

[2022-08-07 17:45:26]
User685236 - Posts: 4
very frustrating question, how to simply move a rectangle?, when I draw a rectangle (not the extended one), I do not see a way to simply move it, if I try to do it it resize on edge or another, how just simply move it without playing with edges?

2nd question, what is the difference between packages 3/5 and 10/11, what i'm understanding is if I need to trade in real life I need to use a broker and as SC is not a broker I need to use packages 10 or 11 which includes the integration with a broker, if it's a true, what's the usage of packages 3 and 5, playing with the platform only ?

[2022-08-07 20:22:31]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 320
After you draw your rectangle, depending on your selection of cursor after drawing an object, to stay in draw mode or go back to cursor. Make sure your cursor is either in pointer or crosshair mode. Then click on an edge of your rectangle. When you do that you will see a smaller rectangle within your rectangle. Place your pointer / cursor within that rectangle / two vertical lines and click / drag your object as you want.

Hope that helps
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-08-07 20:22:49
imageSC_move_box.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-08-07 20:22:19 UTC - Size: 16.21 KB - 143 views
[2022-08-08 16:32:08]
User685236 - Posts: 4
Thanks John
I can see the vertical dashed bars and the small cercle bu even with pointer selected, hand or chart value tool, i cannot move the rectangle as a whole, it starts to move two edges to resize it, what's wrong.

Also, could you answer my second question above (difference between packages), I'd like to update my packages soon

Thanks for help
imagerectangle.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-08 16:26:00 UTC - Size: 3.07 KB - 107 views
[2022-08-08 17:26:51]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 320
1 - I think it best if a SC support person answer your question about choosing a subscription level.

2 - Not seeing what you are doing, it is hard to say why it is not working for you. Make sure you have your pointer / cursor in between the vertical dashed bars. If the pointer / cursor is outside of the vertical lines, but inside the rectangle, then it resizes as you describe.

Hope this helps,
[2022-08-08 21:22:08]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
1. Refer to the following documentation for moving the rectangle:
Chart Drawing Tools: Moving Rectangle Drawings

And refer to the following for how to move a rectangle if you are having issues:
Chart Drawing Tools: Preventing Adjust of Rectangle Drawing When Intending Moving

2. Packages 3 and 5 are available for using the system just for charting of CFD, FOREX, or Crypto data. Or for continuing to learn Sierra Chart with our Delayed Streaming Data.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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