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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:59:22 +0000

Study Issue

View Count: 421

[2022-08-03 20:09:27]
PlatinumFX - Posts: 6
What would cause my study in this case the (market depth historical graph) to only show on this one part of the chart and my second study (large volume trade indicator) doesn’t show at all...it is not hidden.
imageimage (1).jpg / V - Attached On 2022-08-03 20:08:58 UTC - Size: 2.09 MB - 107 views
imageimage.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-08-03 20:09:07 UTC - Size: 4.7 MB - 105 views
[2022-08-03 21:48:06]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
The symbol XAUUSD is a CFD and we do not have any Market Depth data for CFDs. As such, the only Market Depth data that could be displayed would be the data while you are connected to the data feed, as there is no historical Market Depth data available.

As to the Large Volume Trade Indicator, you would need to look at what value you have entered for which you want the indicator versus whether there are any trades that have that volume. To do this, you would need to setup a 1 trade chart and look at the volume of each trade.
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[2022-08-03 22:24:22]
PlatinumFX - Posts: 6
If you look at the attached image it is now working same everything as before... why does it go in and out of working?
imageScreenshot 2022-08-03 182134.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-03 22:23:33 UTC - Size: 22.35 KB - 103 views
[2022-08-03 22:25:50]
PlatinumFX - Posts: 6
and yes... in the image that is the same gold chart as mentioned before
[2022-08-03 22:42:36]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
What you are seeing in your most recent post is not the Market Depth "going in and out of working", it is just the particular settings you have that are displaying the information in a certain way. You would need to look at your coloring options and see why have the black areas. Offhand, it looks like any value less than 200 is black.
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[2022-08-03 22:42:48]
PlatinumFX - Posts: 6
Is there a way to set the study to show and operate on the chart at all times? Right now its only showing during certain session time zones.
[2022-08-03 22:45:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
As we noted earlier, since there is not any Market Depth data with the CFD, what you are seeing is the actual traded volumes, not the resting Market Depth data. As such, you will only have this information when you are connected to the data feed.
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