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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:59:25 +0000

Numbers Bars Background Coloring not working as intended

View Count: 501

[2022-07-31 21:24:30]
User366885 - Posts: 4
I am using Numbers Bars and am using "Background Coloring Based on AskVol BidVol Difference Percentage of Max Dominant Side", but its not working as intended and explained here: Numbers Bars: Background Coloring Based on AskVol BidVol Difference Percentage of Max Dominant Side
The color range for both negative and positive Delta should be depending on the biggest Delta at a price in the whole candle. The way it does work for me is that it shows the color range seperate for positive and negative. So the highest negative Delta always has the color of range 3 Down and the highest positive Delta always has the color of range 3 Up.

I attached a picture that shows you the problem.
The biggest Delta at a price in the candle is at 4120 with a positive Delta of 387 (690 - 303).
With my settings of percentage compare threshhold for Range 3 at 0.9 the negative Delta has to be at least -348 to be shown in the color of Range 3.
Yet, while the biggest negative Delta in that candle is -171 (308-479) it is shown in the color of Range 3 Down. (You can see 3 more colors in that candle for Range 0,1,2 Down)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-07-31 21:26:17
imageSierraChartSupport.png / V - Attached On 2022-07-31 21:10:07 UTC - Size: 14.34 KB - 114 views
[2022-08-01 14:24:36]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
The documentation is correct. Where you are going wrong is that each side (Ask Dominant or Bid Dominant) uses its own max delta level for the divisor. Therefore, with a Max Positive Delta of 387, the Ask Dominant price levels (or positive deltas) will use a divisor of 387. Whereas the Bid Dominant levels (or negative deltas) will use a divisor of -171.

Therefore, you will always have a single Ask Dominant and a Bid Dominant coloring that is the Range 3 Up/Down coloring (as long as your entered percentages are less than 1.0).
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