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Date/Time: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 08:41:03 +0000

Andrews Pitchfork

View Count: 1923

[2014-05-09 00:52:32]
bwalks123 - Posts: 122
Is there a way to toggle between the 3 types of drawing pitchforks (pitchfork, schiff & modified schiff) using a shortcut key and not having to open drawing properties and doing it manually?
[2014-05-09 18:36:45]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes. You just need to set up shortcut keys for these three drawing tools on the Tools menu. Here is the documentation for this:

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[2020-03-14 13:17:06]
ycomp - Posts: 320
I looked but couldn't find anything - is it really possible to toggle between pitchforks with a keyboard shortcut? I only found shortcuts to create different pitchfork types, not toggle
[2022-03-27 17:29:38]
User676363 - Posts: 72
I've wondered about this myself.
There are other tools where a toggle would be useful, such as the marker tool (changing the marker type after price has reacted to the marker location).

Sometimes we want to leave the objects in place and then simply change properties quickly.

What might be nice is to be able to put the drawing properties on the chart like we have the order window on the chart (docked and always visible with all the settings).

That way, as we click on drawing objects, the properties for that drawing object become available instantly and can be quickly modified for the situation.

I don't like blocking dialog boxes in general. Better to take a visual-studio style approach and make everything floating/dockable.

As for having a keyboard shortcut as ycomp mentions, that might be interesting.
Or perhaps a more visual/discoverable way would be to use a context menu like we see in Microsoft Word/Excel when formatting text - a little toolbar fades into the foreground and lets you modify the most common properties instantly.

Given that we want to keep the platform fast, I think a docked properties window might be best for everybody (learners and experienced both). Not sure what Sierra Engineering thinks. They are the ones that matter. Whatever is easiest.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-27 17:49:52
[2023-08-13 17:02:30]
User676363 - Posts: 72
Can I revive this topic please?

I would like to discuss a way to set a background color on the pitchfork lines, but also on the parallel rays and lines tools.
TradingView has a Fib Channel and Pitchfork that allow this.
They also give a right-click menu that lets you switch between pitchforks.

The tools allow a line color to be selected and in addition, you can check a box (unfortunately it's for the entire pitchfork and I would prefer it were an option for each fib level).

So I would like to see sierrachart offer not just line type and line color, but also a background fill color for each level. On tradingview there is a slider for the background transparency.

I would like to see that same mechanism available on all parallel lines, not just those created by pitchforks.
So that would include the parallel lines and parallel rays tool.

These are useful to highlight gaps and by using the make parallel you can align them to the pitchfork rays and use them as sliding parallels as Andrews taught.

Having a colored background allows the fork or parallel ray to be created on a higher time frame and then when dealing with a lower time frame, when price passes into that colored area, it is going to be easier to identify than zooming out.
[2023-12-12 18:50:52]
User676363 - Posts: 72
I would also like to be able to extend left the fork.

Would be great if we can get this added to the fork options because there are lots of good ways to use a fork if it's drawn in reverse.

TradingView offers this feature, but SierraChart does not allow extend left, only extend right and I need both, like we have with all the other tools.

Thank you.

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