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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 03:54:31 +0000

market profile

View Count: 420

[2022-07-11 09:04:37]
User220939 - Posts: 36

J'ai des graphiques tpo profile chart en période daily weekly monthly and years

Sur les graphiques daily weekly et monthly j'ai les tpos 1x30mn

Par contre sur le graphique years, quand je paramètre les tpos en 1x30mn, ça me remet automatiquement en 1x1 month
[2022-07-11 17:27:02]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
From Google Translate:
I have charts tpo profile chart in period daily weekly monthly and years

On the daily weekly and monthly graphs I have the tpos 1x30mn

On the other hand on the years chart, when I set the tpos to 1x30mn, it automatically puts me back to 1x1 month

Refer to the last paragraph in this section:
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: Profile Time Period Length Unit
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