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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 21:33:20 +0000
Custom Control Bars - Renko, Tick, Vol, Range
View Count: 588
[2022-07-09 19:00:15] |
User910795 - Posts: 35 |
I have Control Bar 1 set up just like i want it on what I call screen 1 of 4 screens. What I want to do is run four different screens and have different Bar periods on each screen: In other words, Screen 1 would use Control Bar 1 and be minutes, days, etc; Screen 2 would be Control Bar 2 and use Renko Bars, etc. etc for screens 3 and 4. Can that be done? I have read your description and it appears that it might not be possible to have various control bars set to various screens in varying bar types and values. Am I limited to only one Control Bar Period, say in days and minutes, and no others in other control bars? If so, how would you suggest that I might set up the ability to have four screens with four different bar periods and have the ability to quickly change bar values?
[2022-07-11 15:38:49] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678 |
The first thing to keep in mind is that if you want to change the Bar Period for multiple charts, you would need to have those charts linked together. Otherwise, changing the bar period through the Control Bar is only going to change the one chart. Refer to the following: Chart Settings: Linking Once you have the linking setup, then you have a few choices on how to setup your windows. For instance, you can detach the charts from the main window and put them into the appropriate monitor and then open a control bar from one of the charts in that window, you can even have the Control Bar float in that monitor. Or, you can use sub-instances and have each sub-instance in each monitor. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-07-11 20:51:25] |
User910795 - Posts: 35 |
I do not want to link the charts. I want one control bar per chart. Monitors 1,2,3,& 4 would have control bars 1,2,3,& 4 respectively and independently. Monitor/Control Bar 1 would be a minute bar period, 2 would be a renko bar, 3 would be a volume bar, and 4 would be a range bar. My buttons on each control panel, taking monitor/control bar 1 as an example, would have buttons for 1min, 5min, hour... etc.; Monitor 2 would have buttons for 6 tick renko, 12 tick renko... etc.; 3 would have buttons for 500 vol, 1000 vol, etc. Can I do that. It seemed to be limiting me to one bar period format that would have to be linked on all monitors. Would running each monitor as a sub-instance give me the effect I am seeking? |
[2022-07-11 21:42:38] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678 |
If there is just one chart in each monitor then that makes things a bit easier. So forget about the linking. You just have to setup 4 different control bars with the buttons as you want them for each monitor/chart. Then on the particular chart that is in the monitor, add the specific control bar for that window (on the chart select Window >> Control Bar >> Control Bar n). You can then place the control bar where you want it for that chart (top, bottom, left, right or floating). The sub-instances would only be necessary if you are using more than 4 control bars already such that you do not have 4 extra ones that can be setup only for each chart. In that case, each Sub-Instance gives you 8 control bars each, so you would just setup 1 for each sub-instance in the way you want it. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-08-29 21:48:44] |
User910795 - Posts: 35 |
John, Thank you for your reply on this. I can put the control bar together just fine, but I can only get time (sec/min/hr) buttons on the bar. I am not given a choice of a renko, or volume, or trades buttons. If I want a renko setting, how do I set 3/6/12/etc renko setting on the buttons? Or if I want a volume bar how would I set it to 500/1000/etc? I am not able to get this done even on screens that just have one chart. It only gives me hours, minutes, seconds to work with.
[2022-08-30 15:35:20] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678 |
You need to use the Custom Bar Period control bar options. Add one of these to the Control Bar (move it to the right) then click on it on the right side and then select the button at the bottom for "Set Period". You can then select any of the Bar Period types and enter the value(s) for that bar period type. Refer to the following: Control Bar: Custom Buttons for Intraday Chart Bar Period For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
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