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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 22:20:04 +0000

delayed data

View Count: 747

[2022-06-27 17:39:07]
User636314 - Posts: 6
hi dear
I noticed this morning I did not have real time my chard is delayed at least 15 minutes
I Update my plan to number 10 because I need to have real time I ask for Denali fee data
but is not happening
please guide me and let me know if I have the right plan or how to get real time
thanks for your help
[2022-06-27 17:54:09]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
What are the exchanges for which you want real-time data?

Keep in mind that if you want real-time data from the CME Group at the non-professional rate, then you need to have a live, funded, futures trading account to which you can connect your Sierra Chart software at least once a month. Refer to the following:
Real-Time Exchange Data Feeds Available From Sierra Chart: Understanding and Accessing Data From the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX Exchanges
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-06-29 16:39:29]
User636314 - Posts: 6
You are right I didn't know that I need a futures account, I do not have a furure account I only trade options and I have a trading account in TD Ameritrade and I need to have footprint and the Dom in particular for META (Nasdaq)

my question is whether it is possible to have footprint and Dom (Market D) without having a futures account

thanks for your help
[2022-06-29 18:37:58]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
You mention META as a symbol, so do you just need U.S. Equities? Or do you also need CME Group Futures.

You only need a live, funded, futures trading account in order to get the CME Group data at the lower-priced non-professional rate. You can get the U.S. Equities data from us without having an account to connect to.

For the U.S. Equities data, we have two options. Our older U.S. Equities exchange which is available through Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed, which does not include Market Depth data, but has the consolidated tape volumes. Or, we have our newer NASDAQ TotalView exchange which is part of our Denali Exchange Data Feed, which has Market Depth data, but is not the consolidated tape volume (we are working on this, but it is not complete yet).

You will have to decide which one will be best for your trading style.

You will find the instructions for the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed at the following link:

You will find the instructions for the Denali Exchange Data Feed at the following link:
Denali Exchange Data Feed: *Setup Instructions: All Other Exchanges*
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-06-30 15:57:14]
User636314 - Posts: 6
Hi Dear
Yesterday when I saw you response I got the Nasdaq US stock date service thinking I will have real time data too
I saw this service has market depth too and today I noticed I don't have real time data is delayed
please help me again tell me what I can do to have real time and market depth is U.S Equities
thanks again
[2022-06-30 18:23:24]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
Your account is setup fine to get the U.S. Equities data from our NASDAQ TotalView exchange.

The most likely reason you are not getting real-time data is that you are not using the correct symbols. With the NASDAQ TotalView exchange, your symbols need to be entered with a suffix of -NQTV. For example for IBM, you need to enter the symbol as IBM-NQTV.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-07-03 17:41:10]
User636314 - Posts: 6
You were totally right I found that out in the support board forum I Enter META-NQTV and It worked fine
Now I am able to use the DOM and see the market flow.

The next step for me is to be able to get the FOOT PRINT for META
I enter the correct symbol META-NQTV and I add Numbers Bars Study and my chart does not display anything and gives me a message
on the screen
would you give me any advice?

thanks for your help again
[2022-07-04 10:52:01]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You need to change to Service Package 11 for Numbers Bars:
Numbers Bars

To change your Sierra Chart Service Package, select "Help >> Account Control Panel" on the Sierra Chart program menu. On the displayed webpage, click on the "Set Service Package for Renewal" link.

Or go to this page:

You will need to login if you are not currently logged in.

In the "Available Services >> Choose Usage Time Service Package" frame, select the Service Package that you want to set your account to. Press the "Set" button.

The remaining service usage time on your account will be adjusted based upon the cost of the package you are changing to. If the new package is a higher-priced package, then the usage time will be reduced due to the higher price.

There is no charge for changing your Sierra Chart service package. Only your Sierra Chart account usage time ending date is adjusted.

When changing between Sierra Chart Service Packages, the usage time ending date on your Sierra Chart account is adjusted based upon the price differences between the package you are changing from and the package you are changing to.

When changing to a higher priced package, your usage time ending date will be brought back closer in time. When changing to a lower-priced package, your usage time ending date will be brought forward further out in time.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-07-04 14:58:33]
User636314 - Posts: 6
Thank you again
I Did change to package 11 and now I have the footprint
you have a nice day

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