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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:01:21 +0000

Trade Window Live background color won't change

View Count: 1523

[2022-06-20 17:11:13]
User998085 - Posts: 9
I want to change my "Chart Trade Window Background-Non-simulated/Live" color and it does not change when I try that in Chart Graphics Settings. However, my Sim background color changes when I try that using the same method. I attempted to make the change while in Simulated and in Live modes, I still can't change the live Trade Window background. When I switch from Sim to Live the Live color is black (even though I have selected gray). Black is the same as my overall DOM background (not sure if that matters). Thanks for your help getting this figured out.
[2022-06-20 17:52:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
First, for the chart on which you want to make the change, open Chart >> Graphics Settings - Chart and see if the option at the top for Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of these Settings is enabled. If it is, then you need to make the change to the Trade Window coloring by selecting Global Settings >> Graphics Settings.

Otherwise, if the option is NOT enabled, then you would need to make the changes for the Trade Window coloring by changing it within this "Chart >> Graphics Settings - Chart".

The difference being that "Global Settings >> Graphics Settings" are global settings, but you can have per-chart settings as well, which are controlled using "Chart >> Graphics Settings" and then unselecting the option for "Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of these Settings". Refer to the information here:
Graphics Settings: Using Different Color and Graphics Settings for Specific Charts

Otherwise, you are changing the correct items, so it should be working.
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[2022-06-20 19:07:54]
User998085 - Posts: 9
The short version of my follow up is that none of the global on/off settings solved my problem. But if I DETACH the Trade Window from the Chart/DOM then when I change the background color for live vs. sim my new colors show up (global graphics unchecked). But if I attach the trade window to the DOM, no matter what I do it has the same background color as my Chart/DOM (black) for LIVE but allows me to change it for SIM while attached.

If I open a new DOM and attach the trade window I can deselect global settings and it will allow me to change the trade window background for live just not on my other custom DOM. Please advise.
[2022-06-20 19:58:47]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
It does not matter if it is attached or not. And are you referring to the DOM being attached or the Trade Window itself?

It sounds like this is just a confusion with the Chart v Global settings.

Open your Trade Window using whatever means you are using to do this. Please get us a screenshot of the Trade Window at this point by following these instructions:

Then select Chart >> Graphics Settings on the chart/DOM that is associated with the Trade Window. Please tell us if the option for Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of These Settings has a check mark next to it or not.
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[2022-06-20 21:11:49]
User998085 - Posts: 9
Not sure if the uploaded the file or not. It said it was "uploaded" but I don't see anything indicating it is attached. Regardless, the Use Global setting IS NOT CHECKED on the Chart / Graphic Settings - Chart for the DOM.
imageDOM issue Image 1.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-06-20 21:09:35 UTC - Size: 70.36 KB - 366 views
[2022-06-20 21:22:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
The image is attached and helps us.

So the main thing is that the option for Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of these Settings is not enabled (as you state). As such, you need to change the color options for the Trade Window through the Chart >> Graphics Settings. This also means that you have to make the change to the correct chart to which the Trade Window is associated.

When the Trade Window is not attached to a chart, it can be hard to know exactly which chart it goes with if you have multiple charts of the same symbol.

What we want you to try is to attach the Trade Window to the chart and then make the changes to the coloring for it by selecting Chart >> Graphics Settings - Chart and then detach the Trade Window by selected Trade >> Attach Trade Window to Chart and ensure that the color changes stay with the Trade Window.

Then it is just a matter of ensuring which Trade Window goes with which chart to ensure you are changing the settings for the correct Trade Window.
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[2022-06-20 22:56:04]
User998085 - Posts: 9
I am not sure the I understand. The chart to which the trade window is attached is the DOM (which appears to me to technically be a "chart" in your system). The header on the Trade Window in the image I sent shows it to be associated with chart #26 and #26 is the DOM. If I go to the DOM and choose TRADE / DETACH or ATTACH the Trade Window it correctly associates it with the DOM so I believe that the DOM is the "chart" in question. Is that correct?

When I have the trade window DETACHED and then flip from Live to Sim it changes the background color as expected. When I ATTACH the trade window to the DOM (chart) and flip from Live to Sim I get the correct color for SIM but not for LIVE. For Live I get the same background (black) as I have for the DOM itself.

More importantly, I made a lot of custom changes to this DOM and want it to be my default DOM every time I create a new DOM (even if I can't fix this one background color issue I can detach the trade window and live with it). Can I make this the default DOM? Also, when I duplicate the DOM and change the symbol on one DOM BOTH OF THE DOMS CHANGE the symbol. If I could simply make copies and change the symbols for various products that would be one way to reuse the DOM and not lose my settings. Is there a reason it is changing both DOMS?
[2022-06-21 01:55:48]
User459170 - Posts: 262
This post of John's may be your solution Chart Background/Trade Window Background (2288) | Post: 274076
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-06-21 02:04:31
[2022-06-21 13:45:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
Thank you User459170, I did not think of that in this case.

User998085: As suggested be sure you check to see if you have the option through your Trade Window for M >> Settings >> Color Same as Chart enabled. You will want this disabled if it is.

In terms of the symbol, you must have a link enabled for the symbol on the DOM. Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Linking
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2022-06-21 15:30:47]
User998085 - Posts: 9
Yes, i figured that out from "John's" thread just now but THANK YOU OTHER USER FOR YOUR HELP!. the Main/C >> Menu >> Settings >> Color Same As Chart (chart specific) was the issue all along. When I deselected that, then attached my Trade Window to the Dom and toggle between live and sim I get the color I specified on live and NOT THE BACKGROUND COLOR of the DOM which was my issue.

I still would like to duplicate my custom DOM and have different symbols for separate DOMS (when i duplicate and change one it changes both DOMs). Should I start a separate support ticket for that or is there a simple answer?
[2022-06-21 15:40:17]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
We answered the issue of the DOM above. You must have the link option set for the DOM. So when you duplicate it, the new DOM has the same link number and options. You will want to remove the link options and link number. Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Linking
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-06-21 16:08:38]
User998085 - Posts: 9
Yes, that was the issue. Thanks for all your help!

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