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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:54:31 +0000

Volume At Price Threshold Alert V2 - LAYERS/HIDDEN

View Count: 588

[2022-06-15 14:48:47]
topdowntt - Posts: 2
I use this study to plot imbalances.

The plots always end up behind some of the number bar backgrounds (not just on this particular combo + I have tried 'Move Up')

the become unable to view when the chart/price gets stretched

Can you tell me where I am going wrong? or add a fix please. thank you!
Attachment Deleted.
imagesierraQUntitled-1.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-06-15 14:42:57 UTC - Size: 28.46 KB - 148 views
imageScreenshot 2022-06-15 at 15.43.52.png / V - Attached On 2022-06-15 14:44:49 UTC - Size: 178.57 KB - 129 views
[2022-06-15 19:06:29]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38622
Make sure the Volume at Price Threshold Alert V2 study is listed below the Numbers Bars in the list of studies. That should take care of it.

But, you might also want to consider adding a second column to the Numbers Bars which has the background coloring and then remove the background coloring from the first column, to help make it easier to see the Volume at Price Threshold Alerts.
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[2022-06-15 19:53:24]
topdowntt - Posts: 2
much appreciated. positioned it below and now fixed. thank you!

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