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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:32:30 +0000

Keyboard Shortcut

View Count: 374

[2022-06-13 15:42:50]
User550539 - Posts: 34

Is there a way to cancel orders using a hotkey to only cancel orders that are NOT your stop order? Currently, there is a "cancel all orders" which cancels even my emergency stop.

E.g. If I have an OCO order with just a limit order entry and a market stop set and I wanted to place a limit order to take profit at my discretion (that's not part of the OCO), I would like to hotkey cancel only the take profit limit order and not cancel my stop order for quicker execution. Is there a way to do this currently?
[2022-06-13 16:47:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38621
There is not a built-in way to do this. You would have to develop a custom study that you could tie to a Control Bar button that would go through each order and determine which need to be closed and which do not. Refer to the information for creating a custom study here:
Advanced Custom Study Interface and Language (ACSIL)

Or, refer to the list of possible developers here:
List of Third Party Sierra Chart Study and System Programmers
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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